scrib-, script-, -scribe, -scription, -scriptive
(Latin: write, record)
Writing has not always been available for the "common person" to utilize. In the past it was restricted only to the few who were educated especially for that purpose either as scribes or monks who dedicated their lives to this vocation. You can learn more about the ancient Egyptian scribes by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.
A draftee; one who is enrolled or drafted into government service.
Obligatory enrollment of citizens for a period of service, usually in the armed forces.
describable (adjective), more describable, most describable
Pertaining to an account of something when details of its characteristics are available: The police asked Henry to give a describable report of how the accident happened, with as many facts and particulars as possible.
describe (verb), describes; described; describing
1. To set forth in words, written or spoken, by reference to qualities, recognizable features, or characteristic marks.
2. To give a detailed, or graphic, account of by giving details of its characteristics.
3. To give an account of in speech or writing.
4. To convey an idea or impression of something or to characterize it.
2. To give a detailed, or graphic, account of by giving details of its characteristics.
3. To give an account of in speech or writing.
4. To convey an idea or impression of something or to characterize it.
Someone who gives an account or representation of someone, or something, in words or by a figure, model, or picture.
A written or verbal account, representation, or explanation of someone or something.

A police officer is providing a description of a criminal to a police artist.

1. Containing or consisting of description.
2. Serving mainly to label, describe, or classify.
2. Serving mainly to label, describe, or classify.
In a descriptive manner that refers to, constitutes, or is grounded in matters of observation or experience.
To draw a circle outside of a triangle tangent to one side of the triangle and to the extensions of the other two sides.
A writing desk, often with a hinged flap that conceals drawers and pigeon holes.
furor scribendi
A passion for writing.
indescribable (adjective), more indescribable, most indescribable
1. Impossible to depict with words; ineffable: The experiences and hardships Sam experienced while being in prison was indescribable and he gave no comments or remarks about it.
2. Pertaining to something or someone that transcends depiction; too great, beautiful, etc. to be adequately related: The view from their hotel room was so indescribable that the couple could only stand and gaze at it for hours!
2. Pertaining to something or someone that transcends depiction; too great, beautiful, etc. to be adequately related: The view from their hotel room was so indescribable that the couple could only stand and gaze at it for hours!
indescribably (adverb), more indescribably, most indescribably
Concerning how something is beyond depiction, especially because of being extremely good or bad; unspeakably; unutterably: The cake served at the bakery was indescribably delicious!
inscribable (adjective) (not comparable)
Capable of being written or engraved: The gravestone that Mr. Smith chose for his deceased wife was inscribable and her name could be carved on it.
1. To write, mark, or delineate (words, a name, characters, etc.) in or on something; especially, so as to be conspicuous or durable, as on a monument, tablet, etc.
2. To write or enter the name of (a person) upon an official document or list; to enroll.
3. To dedicate (a writing or work of art) to a person by a short inscription (placed at the beginning of a writing, or beneath a picture, etc.), less formal than an ordinary dedication.
2. To write or enter the name of (a person) upon an official document or list; to enroll.
3. To dedicate (a writing or work of art) to a person by a short inscription (placed at the beginning of a writing, or beneath a picture, etc.), less formal than an ordinary dedication.