necro-, necr-, necron-, -necrosis, nekro- +

(Greek: dead, death, dead body; dead tissue or cells; corpse)

adiponecrosis (s) (noun), adiponecroses (pl)
Necrosis of fatty tissue or death of fatty-tissue cells: Adiponecrocis can occur in hemorrhagic pancreatitis.
anemic necrosis (s), anemic necroses (pl) (nouns)
Death of tissues caused by disturbed blood circulation in a body part.
angionecrosis (s), angionecroses (pl) (nouns)
Death of blood vessels or necrosis of the walls of blood vessels.
anthraconecrosis (s), anthraconecroses (pl) (nouns)
The degeneration, or death, of tissue into a black mass.
arteriolonecrosis (s), arteriolonecroses (pl) (nouns)
Necrosis, or destruction, of arterioles; or the smallest divisions of the arteries located between the muscular arteries and the capillaries (smallest vessels which contain oxygenated blood).
bionecrosis (s), bionecroses (pl) (nouns)
1. Physiologic or normal death of cells or tissues as a result of changes associated with development, aging, or use.
2. Necrosis of a small area of tissue. Also, necrobiosis.
cardionecrosis (s), cardionecroses (pl) (nouns)
Death of the myocardium.
Necrosis of the cartilage, or the firm, rubbery tissue that cushions bones at joints.
Necrosis of cells.
A reference to any application or illness that may cause necrosis of the skin.
Death of liver cells.
A graft transmissible disease that produces necrotic symptoms in Japanese plum cultivars and apricot cultivars; also known as "apricot chlorotic leaf rolling".

Cultivars are species of plants that are specifically selected and cultivated.

Plum leptonecrosis seems to be present in all European countries where Japanese plum is grown which are associated with mycoplasma (any of numerous parasitic, pathogenic microorganisms) resulting in plum decline (Leptonecrosis).

leukonecrosis (s) (noun), leukonecroses (pl)
White gangrene: A leukonecrosis is the decayed tissue, or of an organ in a body, that has formed a large quantity of dead matter.
Necrosis of the tunica media of a blood vessel or the middle of an artery, usually the aorta.

The tunica media is the middle layer in the wall of a blood vessel which is composed of circular or spiraling smooth muscle and some elastic fibers.

1. The normal degeneration and death of living cells; a normal mechanism in the constant turnover of many cell populations.
2. Dermatosis characterized by patchy degeneration of the elastic and connective tissue of the skin with degenerated collagen occurring in irregular patches, especially in the dermis.

Related "death, dead; kill" units: -cide; lethal-; mort-; neci-; phono-; thanato-.