loqu-, -loquence, -loquent, -loquently, -loquy, -iloquent, -iloquently
(Latin: talk, speak, say)
This loqu unit is directly related to the "talk, speak, say, word, speech" locu- family unit.
Someone who appears to speak from his or her stomach; a ventriloquist: On the vaudeville stage, one of the most popular shows was the performance of the gastriloquist, fooling the audience as to the source of his voice.
gaudiloquent, gaudiloquence
Speaking with joy or happiness.
Shorthand; a word represented by a single sign; also, a letter or character representing a word (more correctly called a logogram). Examples of grammalogues include: &, #, ©, ®, ¶, and @.
Although & is called an ampersand (meaning "and"), there is also a new symbol which is called a questpersand which is pronounced: "and?"

grandiloquent (adjective), more grandiloquent, most grandiloquent
A reference to language which uses words that are intended to sound very impressive and important: The executive at the meeting was making a grandiloquent speech about the success of his company.

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grandiloquently (adverb), more grandiloquently, most grandiloquently
A reference to how someone speaks in a bombastic manner; high-sounding; high-flown; inflated; pretentious: Standing behind the lectern, the politician spoke more grandiloquently than ever before, but he rarely mentioned any practical suggestions for any significant courses of actions.
grandiloquous (adjective), more grandiloquous, most grandiloquous
Characterizing the use of communication by speaking in a style, or in a way, that is complicated in order to attract admiration and attention: Karl used grandiloquous conversation in order to make himself appear well-educated, intelligent, and well-informed.
inaniloquent, inaniloquence, inaniloquous
1. Speaking foolishly; full of empty or idle talk.
2. Prone to foolish or empty babbling.
2. Prone to foolish or empty babbling.
Not eloquent; not fluent, graceful, or pathetic; not persuasive; as, an ineloquent language.
Without eloquence; in an inarticulate manner.
Lex uno ore omnes alloquitur.
The law speaks with one mouth to all.
Another translation version is, "Everyone is equal before the law."
Speaking at great length: The politician was responding to questions by the TV reporter with longiloquence instead of answering questions with short and to the point answers.

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Extremely long-winded.
loquacious (adjective), more loquacious, most loquacious
A reference to a person who is extremely talkative or gabby: Sally’s friend was a very loquacious girl, and loved talking to her friend, whose ear, with the receiver of the phone pressed against it, started hurting so much that she had to suddenly end the call!

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Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact.

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loquaciously (adverb), more loquaciously, most loquaciously
A reference to having a chatty manner or talking excessively.
The state of quality of being excessivlely talkative: Wendy was known for her loquaciousness and that was a good thing at a dinner party, but not so early in the morning!
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.":
Quotes: Language,Part 1;
Quotes: Language, Part 2;
Quotes: Language, Part 3;