fid-, fidel-
(Latin: believe, belief; trust, faith, true)
The motto Ad finem fidelis was stitched into the family crest which hung above the fireplace in the family room.
A title of a Christmas carol. The music for this Christian hymn was composed in Latin by John Reading (1677-1764).
2. A trust; a confidence; a reliance.
"James was an affiant who gave testimony to the police about the driver of the car that ran into the back of another car and he swore to what he said to an officer of the court and signed the statement."
"Bill submitted his affidavit to the judge instead of appearing to testify in court."
Motto of Pensacola Jr. College, Pensacola, Florida, USA.
2. Acting or done in good faith; sincere, genuine.
3. In plural form, credentials authenticating someone's true identity, background, intentions, and good faith: Henry was a journalist whose bona fides could not be determined.
Genuine or sincere; sincerity. The first expression is used to modify some other word, as in bona fide intentions; the second is generally used as the subject or object of a verb, as in "His bona fides is above reproach", and "We do not question her bona fides." Bona fides is a singular noun.
Bona fide has been used as an adjective phrase in English so often that we all know its pronunciation as, BOH nuh fighd; however, its preferred Latin pronunciation is BAW nuh FIGH duh.
To produce bona fides (BOH nuh FIGH deez), a corrupted Anglicized form, means to show good intentions in dealing with others, show credentials, prove one's identity or ability, etc. and so to indicate that no fraud or deceit is intended or shown.
A bona fide agreement is one that is made in "good faith" which is a Latin phrase taken over bodily from the Latin bona, "good" + fides, "faith".
A confidant can't always be trusted as indicated in the illustration below.

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2. To entrust (an object of care, a task, etc.) to a person, with reliance on his or her trust or competence.
3. To reveal, impart, divulge, and confess, usually secrets or inside information passed on to someone who can be trusted not to tell another person.
Some people will believe anything if you whisper it to them.
2. Feeling sure or certain of a fact or issue; assurance, certitude; assured expectation.
3. Assurance, boldness, fearlessness, arising from reliance (on oneself, on circumstances, on divine support, etc.).
4. The confiding of private or secret matters to another; the relation of intimacy or trust between persons so confiding; confidential intimacy.
Confidence is the feeling that you have just before you fully understand the situation. Belief in yourself is a fine thing, but you should see to it that you are not too easily convinced; because confidence is that quiet, absolutely assured feeling you have just before you fall flat on your rear end.