astro-, astr-

(Greek: star, stars, star shaped; also pertaining to outer space)

A reference to the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies and their supposed influence on human affairs.
astrologize (verb), astrologizes; astrologized; astrologizing
To study how the various positions of the stars and movements of the planets have an influence on the events and on the lives and behavior of people: Mary read a book describing how the celestial bodies in the sky can affect an individual's everyday activities and future and thought that she could astrologize more about this topic!
The study that assumes and attempts to interpret the influence of the heavenly bodies on human affairs.
astrology (uh STRAHL uh jee)
A form of divination based on the theory that the movements of the celestial bodies; such as, the stars, the planets, the sun, and the moon influence human affairs and determine the course of events.

The study of the influences of the stars on human destinies: "Each day he would check the astrology section in his newspaper to to see what it said about his sign."

Someone who divines or foretells the future by means of the stars.
astromancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination by interpreting the stars, now known as astrology: Astromancy was one of the ancient systems of prophecy. Astromancy was developed in Babylon and later carried to Greece, ascribing heavenly thrones to gods as represented by the sun, moon, and planets.
Astromancy or star divination.
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From their movements, wise men divined the purposes of such deities, taking into account the phases of the moon, eclipses, the proximity of planets to the brighter fixed stars, and other phenomena, including the positions of constellations other than those forming the signs of the zodiac.

Some examples include the new moon rising in a cloudy sky presaged victory in a coming battle, while, if it failed to rise as an anticipated time, it became an omen of defeat.

When astrology advanced as a science, the casting of horoscopes and other exact calculations replaced the old traditions and astromancy became less significant.

Its systems are largely obsolete, but its lore has survived as modern superstitions, such as expecting bad luck if you look at the moon over your left shoulder, or making a quick wish when you see a shooting star.

It’s interesting to note that astromancy became "astrology", and "astrology" became the science we now call "astronomy".

A reference to divination by means of the stars; astrologic.
A reference to the sidereal, or star, influences on a person's thoughts and feelings.
A reference to the study of the theoretical effects of astronomical bodies and forces on the earth's atmosphere.
Someone who investigates the relations between the sun, moon, and stars; as well as, their influences on the weather of the earth.
1. The study of the behavior of planets in the solar system and this relationship to the weather.
2. The investigation of the (alleged) influence upon the weather, climate, etc. of planetary and stellar phenomena; such as, sun-spots, phases of the moon, comets, meteors, and planetary conjunctions.

This was a branch of an older natural astrology; and the term is often applied to a pretended prognostication of the weather, which is no better than modern "astrology".

An instrument for comparing the relative amount of the light of stars.
astrometric binary star
A double-star system in which the presence of an unseen component star is shown by irregularities in the proper motion of its primary star.
astrometric position
The apparent position of an object, for which the annual aberration has been corrected.
astrometric, astrometrics
A branch of astronomy that relates to the precise measurements and explanations of the positions and movements of stars and other celestial bodies.

Links to star words Other "star" units: aster-, sidero-, stell-.

Links to astronomical wordsYou may also see an extensive list of astronomy; astronomical terms at this Get Words site.