tele-, tel-, telo-, -telic, -telical
(Greek: far away, far off, at a distance)
Don't confuse this tele- with the teleo- unit that means "end, last".
1. The supposed mental ability to control the movement of objects from a distance as with "psychokinesis": Sam told his children that he had the power of telekinesis and could remove a stone from one side of the river and place it on the other side, but after a while, he said it was just a joke!

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Telekinesis is the ability to influence the behavior of material objects with mental control alone.
Psychokinesis, "mind-movement", or PK, is the more commonly used term today for what in the past was known as telekinesis or "distant-movement".
2. Etymology: from Greek tele-, "at a distance" + Greek kinesis, "motion, movement" from kinein, "to move".
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Since 2004, the term "remote influencing" is used by some people to express certain kinds of psychokinesis.
An electrocardiogram recorded at a distance from the subject being tested; for example, the electrocardiogram obtained through telemetry, or, as with a galvanometer in the laboratory, being connected by a wire with the patient in another room.
1. Fighting or doing battle from a distance.
2. A term used to describe the first four books of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey.
2. A term used to describe the first four books of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey.
1. A reference to safety and informational communications devices including the growing panoply of entertainment items: MP3, iPod players, high-definition DVD screens, and electronic game portals.
2. A description of the process of long-distance transmission of computer-based information.
3. The integrated use of telecommunications and informatics, also known as ICT (Information and Communications Technology). More specifically it is the science of sending, receiving and storing information via telecommunication devices.
4. It is also applied specifically to the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology which is integrated with computers and mobile communications technology.
5. A reference to the use of such systems within road vehicles, in which case the term "vehicle telematics" is used.
6. Refers to a broad industry related to using computers in concert with telecommunications systems; including dial-up service to the internet as well as all types of networks that rely on a telecommunications system to transport data.
7. Evolving to include a wide range of telecommunication functions that originate or end inside automobiles.
2. A description of the process of long-distance transmission of computer-based information.
3. The integrated use of telecommunications and informatics, also known as ICT (Information and Communications Technology). More specifically it is the science of sending, receiving and storing information via telecommunication devices.
4. It is also applied specifically to the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology which is integrated with computers and mobile communications technology.
5. A reference to the use of such systems within road vehicles, in which case the term "vehicle telematics" is used.
6. Refers to a broad industry related to using computers in concert with telecommunications systems; including dial-up service to the internet as well as all types of networks that rely on a telecommunications system to transport data.
7. Evolving to include a wide range of telecommunication functions that originate or end inside automobiles.
In a commercial environment, several potential telematics applictions are evolving:
- Vehicle tracking telematics is a system that monitors the location, movements, status, and behavior of a single vehicle or a fleet.
- Trailer tracking telematics which consists of the technology of tracking the movements and positions of an articulated vehicle's trailer unit, through the use of a location unit fitted to the trailer and a method of returning the position data via a mobile communications network or the system of geostationary satellite communications, for use though either PC or Web based software.
- Satellite navigation telematics in the context of vehicle telematics is the technology of using a GPS and electronic mapping tool to enable the driver of a vehicle to locate a position, then route a plan and navigate a journey.
- Mobile data telematics integrates the use of wireless data communications using radio waves to send and receive real time computer data to, from, and between devices used by field based personnel. These devices can be fitted solely for use while in the vehicle (Fixed Data Terminal) or for use in and out of the vehicle (Mobile Data Terminal).
telemeteorograph, telemeteorography, telemeteorographic
A meteorograph that records electrically at a distance; a combination of telethermograph, telebarograph, and teleanemograph.
In psychiatry, the acquisition of consciousness of matters in the recall or remembrances of another person: Strangely enough, the creature from outer space had the power of knowing the past experiences of some selected beings on Earth by possessing telemnemonike!
1. The embryologic process in the later stages of vertebrate neurulation during which the telencephalon develops as a distinct part of the prosencephalon.
2. The evolutionary process by which the control of motor functions or the representation of sensory modalities becomes progressively transferred to higher centers in the brain.
2. The evolutionary process by which the control of motor functions or the representation of sensory modalities becomes progressively transferred to higher centers in the brain.
telencephalon, telencephal, telencephalic
1. The anterior subdivision of the primary forebrain that develops into olfactory lobes, cerebral cortex, and corpora striata.
2. The anterior portion of the forebrain, constituting the cerebral hemispheres and related parts of the hypothalamus. Also called endbrain.
2. The anterior portion of the forebrain, constituting the cerebral hemispheres and related parts of the hypothalamus. Also called endbrain.
telepathic (adjective), more telepathic, most telepathic
A reference to someone's ability to communicate by using extra sensory power: Sam knew what Sharon was thinking by telepathic means, and so he didn't need any words or gestures to tell him that she needed his help right away.
Relating to communication from one mind to another by extrasensory means; not with spoken words, written words, or any other form of signals.