tele-, tel-, telo-, -telic, -telical
(Greek: far away, far off, at a distance)
Don't confuse this tele- with the teleo- unit that means "end, last".
The power to move something by thinking about it without the application of physical force: The revelation of the actions of telecineses in objects as by a spiritualistic medium who can supposedly do it without contact or any other physical means.
1. The transmission of encoded sound, pictures, or data over significant distances, using radio signals or electrical or optical lines: "The secret telecommunications were picked up by the receiver that was hidden in the barn."
2. The science and technology of communication at a distance by electronic transmission of impulses, as by telegraph, cable, telephone, radio, or television.
2. The science and technology of communication at a distance by electronic transmission of impulses, as by telegraph, cable, telephone, radio, or television.
"Telecommunications is an important area of professional growth in modern technology."
3. The electronic systems used in transmitting messages; such as, by telegraph, cable, telephone, radio, or television."Telecommunications were disrupted by the severe winter wind and ice storms."
4. Any process that allows a person to communicate over distances by means of an electromagnetic system, with information in the form of sound, text, images, and so on; with a telephone system: "The telecommunications that are currently available to various business complexes enhance their ability to expand and be competitive."
A contemporary work pattern in which a person works at home, rather than driving over a distance to a place of employment, and who communicates with his or her workplace by means of a personal computer, internet connection, etc.
An occurrence in which weather patterns in one region significantly influence the weather conditions in a distant location, often over an extended period of time.
A connection that attaches to an x-ray machine: With this system of telecords, each cardiac or heart condition can be photographed in a series images for medical analyses.
A series of educational lectures presented on television by a learning institution: Jamie found it helpful to take telecourses so he could improve the technical skills that he wanted to achieve.
Tamika was one of several local home viewers receiving credits at her community college by completing one telecourse after another one.
A form of printing telegraph messages that is adopted so it prints secret or private communications.
A cardiogram which is transmitted electronically to a recording device at a distance from the patient.
telecurietherapy (s) (noun), telecurietherapies (pl
A medical treatment from a radioactive source; such as, radium, which is located at a distance from the body.
1. An appliance used to pick up objects from the floor without stooping; normally used by those with spinal ailments.
2. In computer technology, a specialized voice recognition system designed to produce text from human speech:The teledactyl can be used in connection with telephone lines, allowing voice-operated directory assistance, voice-operated remote control, and dictation over the internet.
2. In computer technology, a specialized voice recognition system designed to produce text from human speech:The teledactyl can be used in connection with telephone lines, allowing voice-operated directory assistance, voice-operated remote control, and dictation over the internet.
A diagnosis that is made at a remote location and is based on the evaluation of data transmitted from instruments that monitor the patient and a transfer link to a medical diagnostic center.
A distant medical technique, or television transmission, consisting of electronic transmissions of fluoroscopic images for study at a distant location.
telegenic (adjective), more telegenic, most telegenic
1. Relating to anyone who presents an attractive physical appearance and shows personal qualities that are considered to be highly appealing to television viewers: Linda loved watching the series on TV with the telegenic and very good-looking trial lawyer and his charming secretary.
2. Etymology: from Greek tele- "far away, at a distance" + -genic, "producing, forming."

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2. Etymology: from Greek tele- "far away, at a distance" + -genic, "producing, forming."