strum-, strumo-, strumi-

(Latin: swollen gland, goiter)

isthmectomy, median strumectomy
1. A surgical procedure in which a narrow bridge of tissue connecting two larger tissue masses is excised; such as, the removal of the thyroid isthmus.
2. Excision of the midportion of the thyroid.
struma (s), strumae (pl)
1. A form of tuberculosis characterized by swellings of the lymphatic glands.
2. Abnormally enlarged thyroid gland; which can result from under-production or over-production of hormone or from a deficiency of iodine in the diet.

Iodine deficiency is just one of several causes.

3. In botany, a cushion-like swelling at the base of a moss capsule.
struma aberranta
A goiter involving an accessory thyroid gland.
struma aneurysmatica
A vascular struma containing dilated blood vessels.
struma maligna
A cancer of the thyroid.
The surgical removal of an enlarged gland or tumor; such as, a goitrous thyroid gland.
1. Resembling a goiter.
2. Shaped like, or in the form of, a goiter.
strumiprivous, strumiprivic, strumiprival
Referring to, or caused by, the ablation (surgical removal) of the thyroid gland
Thyroiditis or the inflammation of the thyroid gland.
Having a struma or strumae.
Referring to, relating to, resembling, or caused by a goiter.
The state, or condition, of being strumous.