seleno-, selen- +

(Greek: moon)

The point of an orbit around the moon farthest from the moon's center.

In astronomy, an apsis (plural apsides) is the point of greatest or least distance of the elliptical orbit of a celestial body from its center of attraction, which is generally the center of mass of the system.

geoselenic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to the Earth and Moon: Mary read a book about the geoselenic phenomena that dealt with the interactive relationship between the Moon and the Earth.
1. A bright moonlike spot on a lunar halo; a mock moon. Also called moondog.
2. A mock moon; an image of the moon which sometimes appears at the point of intersection of two lunar halos.
Periapsis in orbit around the moon.

A periapsis is the point of an orbit closest to the body being orbited.

An object or structure suggestive of a moon or half-moon.
1. In Greek mythology, goddess of the moon; identified with the Roman goddess Luna.
2. Selene was the daughter of Hyperion and Theia and the personification of the moon; also, a girl's given name.
1. As seen or estimated from the center of the moon.
2. With the moon being central.
In chemistry, pertaining to, or derived from selenium; especially, in its higher valence.
1. A gray, crystalline, nonmetalic element (symbol Se) of the sulfur group, varying greatly in electrical resistance under the influence of light [New Latin from Greek selene the moon].
2. Information is located at Chemical Element: selenium .

In 1818, a Swedish chemist, Jöns Jacob Berzelius, discovered an element very much like telluruium; a kind of "twin sister". Since tellurium had been named after a goddess of the earth, Berzelius decided to balance matters by naming the new element after a goddess of the moon. He chose Selene and named the new element selenium.

—Based on information from Words from the Myths by Isaac Asimov;
Houghton Mifflin, 1961.
1. Having the moon as its center.
2. Of or pertaining to the center of the moon.
The study of the moon's precise shape and gravity field.
selenodont (adjective)
Having molars with crescent-shaped cusps that serve to grind fibrous food and which occur in herbivores: "The cheek teeth of deer (Cervidae) and cattle (Bovidae) are selenodont teeth."
selenofault (s) (noun), selenofaults (pl)
Cracks on or below the lunar surface: The moon mobile was able to detect several selenofaults.
1. A description of the moon and its phenomena.
2. The art of picturing the face of the moon.
selenographer (s), selenographers (pl) (nouns)
Those who study and record the physical features of the moon over periods of time: "The astronomer was a dedicated selenographer who wrote about his discoveries in scientific journals."

A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to the: "moon": Calendar, Moon Facts; Chemical Element: selenium; Gods and Goddesses; luna, luni-; Luna, the earth moon; menisc-; meno-; Planets in Motion; plano-.