(Greek: war, warlike, pertaining to war; battle)
An extreme disgust of military battles or hostilities that lead to warfare that involves the slaughter or destruction of human lives: Never in his life would Henry join the armed forces and support fighting and hostilities that result in so many deaths and he hoped that others would join him, to advocate misopolemia and become conscientious objectors with him.
Anyone who is a hater of strife which can include a clash of military arms or other hostilities between people or contentious groups: As a pacifist and misopolemiac individual, Harriot condemned people who were hostile and showed contention against each other because she believed that all arguments and issues could be solved by talking them over and finding compromises to solve them.
misopolemical (adjective), more misopolemical, most misopolemical
Conveying or describing a strong hostility or repugnance for war and those who are associated with it: Jane's friends recognize that she must be a misopolemical person because she is a pacifist who is convinced that the brutality and destruction caused by military battles are absolutely wrong and are not justified!

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1. A severely written or spoken attack against another person's opinions, beliefs, practices, behavior, etc.: Mark David's book presents a very strong polemic against the excessive spending by the government.
2. The practice or art of using words to defend or to harshly criticize a person or something: The committee apparently was able to discuss the economic issues without getting involved in polemics.
2. The practice or art of using words to defend or to harshly criticize a person or something: The committee apparently was able to discuss the economic issues without getting involved in polemics.
polemic (adjective), more polemic, most polemic
Relating to an argument, refutation, or controversy: Mildred was disturbed by the polemic attitude of the reporter who was interviewing her regarding the book that she wrote about journalistic incompetence.
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The term polemic refers to any controversial verbal or written argument or attack against some belief, an opinion, a philosophy, a principle, a policy, etc.

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polemical (adjective), more polemical, most polemical
A reference to strong language used against another person or people: Joseph said he resented the polemical attacks of the candidate who was running for mayor of the city.
Someone who is skilled at making forceful arguments in writing or speaking: Ronda had a reputation as a strong polemicist and was given a job as a journalist for the leading newspaper.
The study or analysis of human wars and conflicts; especially, international wars: The opposite study of polemology is irenology, which is the study or science of peace.
Some scholars of polemology argue that the practice of war is not linked to any particular type of political organization or society, but that war is a universal event or situation whose form and scope is a result of the kind of society that participates in it.
A compulsion or extreme desire for war: There are some people who have a polemomania for attacking the country that is presenting a threat to others with its nuclear developments.
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