pogo-, pogono-, -pogon

(Greek: beard; referring to a beard or beard-like structures)

anisopogonous (adjective), more anisopogonous, most anisopogonous
1. A reference to feathers that are unequally webbed.
2. Etymology: from Greek aniso, "unequal" + Greek pogon, "beard".
epipogon: Epipogon aphyllus
An orchid that is "bearded above".
gynepogon (s) (noun), gynepogons (pl)
A woman who has a beard.
isopogonous (adjective), more isopogonous, most isopogonous
1. Referring to feathers that have the two webs (inner and outer) equal and similar.
2. Etymology: from Greek iso-, "equal, same" + pogono, "beard".
pogoiatrics, pogo-iatrics (s) (noun) (plural used as a singular)
The field of medical knowledge that deals with ailments that are caused by beards; such as, skin rashes.
pogoiatrist, pogo-iatrist (s) (noun); pogoiatrists, pogo-iatrists (pl)
A medical doctor who specializes in the treatment of ailments caused by beards.
pogoiatry, pogo-iatry (s) (noun) (usually no plural)
A field of medicine in which ailments caused by beards are diagnosed and treated.
pogomaniac (s) (noun), pogomaniacs (pl)
Someone who is obsessed with having a beard no matter what anyone says about the unhealthy conditions that exist with beards or other negative aspects of beards.
pogon (adjective), more pogon, most pogon
Referring to a beard.
pogonanthus (s) (noun)
A species of bearded flowers.
pogonatum: Pogonatum pennsylvanicum
A beard-like moss.
pogonia: Pogonia verticillata
An orchid.
pogoniasis (s) (noun), pogoniases (pl)
1. A situation in which someone has an unusually full beard.
2. The excessive growth of a beard.
pogonic (adjective), more pogonic, most pogonic
Beardlike; relating to a beard.