oxal-, ox- +

(Greek > Latin: wood sorrel; the leaves of the wood sorrel are acidic to the taste)

The excretion of an excessive amount of oxalates in the urine.

Oxalates consist of poisonous, colorless crystalline organic acid, found in many plants; such as, spinach, and made synthetically for bleaching, dyeing, rust remover, and cleaning.

High concentrations of oxalates may lead to formation of urinary calculi.

Hyperoxaluria may be genetic (primary), or secondary to ingestion or the administration of excess amounts of oxalate precursors, or to intestinal diseases.

Oxalates occur in plants and are toxic to higher animals by virtue of their calcium binding properties. They cause the precipitation of calcium oxalate in the kidneys, prevent calcium uptake in the gut, and are not metabolized.

A salt of oxalic acid.
Treated with oxalate solution.
Treatment with oxalate solution.
An excess of oxalates in the blood.
oxalic acid
A strong dicarboxylic acid found in foods such as spinach and rhubarb or produced in the body by metabolism of glyoxylic acid or ascorbic acid; it is not metabolized but excreted in the urine.

Ingestion of a diet rich in oxalates or a genetic disorder of glycine metabolism (primary hyperoxaluria) may lead to the formation of oxalate calculi in the urinary tract.

Oxalate poisoning: poisoning of humans or other animals by oxalic acid or oxalates, usually by ingesting large quantities of oxalate-containing plants. Characteristics include gastroenteritis, hypotension, hypocalcemia, muscle weakness and twitching, nephrosis, and hyperoxaluria (excessive amount of oxalates in the urine).
A generalized deposition of calcium oxalate in renal and extrarenal tissues, as may occur in primary hyperoxaluria.
Hyperoxaluria: excretion of an excessive amount of oxalates in the urine.
oxaluric acid
The amide (organic compound derived from ammonia) of oxalic acid and urea, which occurs in urine.