oriri-, orir-, ori-, or-
(Latin: to rise, arising, to be born, source, original; the rising sun, east; to ascend, to spring up, to become visible, to appear)
This phrase may also be translated as "From the very beginning" or "From the source"; "From the start of something": There is no evidence that humans came from the ab origine of the world.
Indian tribes in America are considered to be the aboriginals in various parts of the country.
The Indians are the aboriginal people of America.
Some of the aboriginal people of Canada are known as Inuit, "the people".
Mike's sister was enrolled in the Aboriginal Studies program at the local university.
There are anthropologists who say that the first aboriginally born Native Americans came from Asia.
2. A reference to where indigenous or original fauna or flora existed or may continue to survive in a geographical area: The animals in these aboriginary regions no longer exist.
The local zoo had an aboriginary section in which the native plants of the region were growing.
2. A member of the indigenous or earliest known population of a region; a native: Many Australian aborigines still live primitive lives away from cities.
3. The native flora (plants) and fauna (animals) of a geographic area: A special species of poppy is among the aborigines native to the desert area.
The first vegetations, or aborigines, of the region have medicinal properties.
4. Etymology: ab-, "from" + origine, "beginning, original" coming from the Aborigines, an Italian tribe from Latium whom the Latins were said to be descended; hence, "original inhabitants of a country".
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2. To cut short because of some failure in equipment: The pilot aborted the flight because of radio failure.
Failure of the radar system will abort the flight of the spaceship until another day.
The family will be aborting their trip to the arctic because of the early onslaught of winter.
3. Etymology: originally, "to set" or "to disappear" (as the sun). Composed of ab-, "from" + oriri- "to arise"; the part of the sky, or the world, in which the sun rises; the East.Several experimental abortifacients have been tested by certain laboratories.
2. Induced termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of independent survival: The doctor had to induce an abortion because the health and safety of the mother was at risk.
3. Anything that fails to develop, progress, or mature, such as a design, project, or a badly developed plan, etc.: The abortion of the plans to build the new civic center was regretted by just about everyone in the community.
The attempt to redesign the airplane was an abortion or failure.
4. An early or untimely abandonment of an endeavor : The inclement weather helped Norman to determine that the abortion of their hiking plans was the only safe thing to do.5. Etymology: ab-, "from, away from" + oriri, "to come into being, to rise, to be born".
2. An individual who makes a business of ending a pregnancy illegally: The backstreet abortionist has recently been arrested by the police.
3. People who support, or advocate ending pregnancies when a woman wants it to be done: The noisy crowd in front of the clinic included many well-known abortionists.
4. Anyone who takes the action of stopping a project, a mission, etc, before it is completed: The engineer for the city was an abortionist who advocated discontinuing the building of the expensive bridge because of the excessive costs.
2. Pertaining to the failure to end a pregnancy by removing an embryo or fetus from the womb: The surgery which Thomas, the veterinarian, performed was an abortive misfortune and did not save the unborn calf.
3. Concerning a discontinuation in the progress of a disease: The normal course of the illness was not felt because of the abortive intervention by the medical specialists.
4. Descriptive of the failure to accomplish an objective; futile; imperfectly developed: Marlene and Vincent made an abortive attempt to complete the project.
The life of the horse was abortively cut short by an untimely accident.