oriri-, orir-, ori-, or-
(Latin: to rise, arising, to be born, source, original; the rising sun, east; to ascend, to spring up, to become visible, to appear)
1. That which has failed to accomplish an intended result: The abortiveness of solving the financial crisis has resulted in a worse economic situation.
2. Something which is partially or imperfectly developed: There was an abortiveness about the jokes that were being told at the Stand-Up Comedy club.
2. Something which is partially or imperfectly developed: There was an abortiveness about the jokes that were being told at the Stand-Up Comedy club.
When Vincent retired, he acknowledged that the single abortiveness of his career was the result of his being unable to prevent the foreclosures on mortgages.
A clinic or a hospital where premature stoppages of natural or pathological processes are performed: The veterinarian college established an abortorium for the students to use for their studies.
There were several abortoria in the rural area of the province.
The procedure of giving an end to the development of a fetus which weighs less than 500 gm. (17 oz.) or is less than a twenty weeks' gestational age at the time of the expulsion from the uterus, and therefore has no chance of survival: An abortus is the existence of a being that has been terminated.
antiabortion, anti-abortion (adjective); more antiabortion, more anti-abortion; most antiabortion, most anti-abortion
Pertaining to opposition of the discontinuance of a pregnancy or to a fetal development: The antiabortion doctor refused to remove the fetus before it was able to survive, especially since he was not convinced that it was necessary for the mother's well- being.
A person who is opposed to medical terminations of pregnancies and expulsions of embryos or of fetuses: Antiabortionists are against surgical or medicinal procedures that terminate a pregnancy by removing the fetus (unborn baby) which is a non-contraceptive form of birth control.
disorient (verb), disorients; disoriented; disorienting
To cause someone to be lost or confused: Thick fogs often disorient drivers of vehicles resulting in many serous accidents.

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Nascentes morimur finisque ab origine pendet. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "From the moment of birth, we begin to die and the end hangs from the beginning."
An alternate meaning: "Every day, starting from birth, we die a little."