orgasm, orgasms, orgasmic, orgastic +

(Greek > Latin > French: excitement or violent action in an organ or part)

Sexual arousal by fantasizing about someone other than one's partner.
Failure to achieve orgasm (climax) during sexual intercourse.

Anorgasmia can result from many causes including stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue, worry, guilt, fear of painful intercourse, fear of pregnancy, the undesirability of a partner, the undesirability of a setting, and the use of alcohol, prescription or illicit drugs.

In women, this problem is also referred to as "frigidity," or female orgasmic dysfunction.

anorgasmy, anorgasmia
The inability or failure to experience orgasm.
inorgasmia, inorgasmic
1. Lack of sexual pleasure; inability to achieve orgasm.
2. Failure or lack of experiencing an orgasm.
1. Immoderate or violent excitement of feeling; rage, fury; a paroxysm of excitement or rage.
2. Etymology: borrowed through French orgasme or New Latin orgasmus, from Greek orgasmos, "excitement, swelling", from organ, "be in heat, become ripe for"; literally, "to swell, be excited"; related to Greek orge,, "impulse, excitement, anger".
orgasmic dysfunction
Failure to achieve orgasm (climax) during sexual intercourse.
orgasmic, orgastic
Relating to, characteristic of, or tending to produce an orgasm.
The scientific study of sex and sexual relations.