onych-, onycho-, ony-, -onychia, -onychial, -onychium, -onyx- +

(Greek: claw, nail; fingernails, toenails)

acronychous, achronychous (adjective) (not comparable)
Concerning a creature having claws, nails, or hoofs: In the fairy tale that Rose was reading, there were many acronychous animals running around in circles trying to catch each other with their grappling appendages.
acronyx (s) (noun), acronyxes (pl)
An ingrown fingernail or toenail: An acronyx is a common form of a toenail ailment which is often painful because, while growing, it cuts into one or both sides of the "nail bed".

While acronyxes, or ingrown nails, can occur in the nails of the hands and feet, they usually exist most commonly with the toenails.

A more accurate description of an acronyx is that there is too much skin around the nail ("overgrown toeskin"), and so the nail itself is seldom the problem.

The most common place for acronyxes is in the big toe, however ingrowth can actually occur on any nail.

anonychia (s) (noun), anonychias (pl)
The absence of fingernails and/or toenails at birth: Since she was born with anonychia, she was never able to have real finger nails, but those that were attached by a manicurist covered up that fact so people generally were never aware of her condition.
The congenital (acquired during fetal development) absence of one or more finger nails and/or toenails.
Baryonyx Walkeri
A carnivorous dinosaur discovered in clay pits just south of Dorking, England; and northern Spain; meaning "heavy claw", referring to its large claws.
A reference to fingernails, and toenails, that are elongated and slender.

The length and width of fingernails were measured in patients with Marfan syndrome and in individuals without the syndrome

Marfan syndrome is a rare hereditary disorder of connective tissue. Affected people are tall, with long, thin limbs and spiderlike fingers (arachnodactyly).

The lens of the eye is dislocated, and many have glaucoma or detached retina. Heart muscle abnormalities and various malfunctions and malformations also occur; and rupture of the aorta is the most common cause of death.

Severity varies; affected individuals may die young or live essentially normal lives. The underlying abnormality cannot be cured, but some of the defects can be surgically corrected.

An ingrown toenail with one or both lateral margins pushing deeply into adjacent soft tissue, causing pain, inflammation, and possible infection.

The condition occurs most frequently in the great toe, and is often caused by pressure from tight-fitting shoes.

Another common cause is improper cutting of the toenails, which should be cut straight across or with curved toenail scissors so that the sides are a little longer than the middle.

Infection involving the proximal (nearest) nail fold.
eponychium (s) (noun), eponychia (pl)
1. The horny embryonic structure from which the nail develops.
2. The perionychium or the tissue surrounding the nail, whether it be a fingernail or a toenail, including the tissue bordering the root and sides of the nail.
1. Thinning of nails resulting in bending and breaking of the free edge, with longitudinal fissures; slso known as, "egg shell nail".
2. Abnormal softness of the fingernails and/or toenails.
hyperonychia, hyperonychosis
The excessive enlargement, overgrowth, or thickness of the finger and/or toe nails.
hyponychium, hyponychial
The thickened epidermis beneath the free distal end (away from the point of attachment) of the claw, or nail, of a digit.

A claw is a pointed curved nail on the end of each toe in birds, some reptiles, and some mammals.

An hemorrhage (bleeding) beneath, or under, a fingernail or toenail.
1. An abnormal condition in which the outer surfaces of the nails are concave; spoon nail.
2. Dystrophy of the nails in which they are abnormally thin and concave from side to side, with the edges turned up; it is sometimes seen in iron deficiency anemia.
leukonychia (s) (noun) (no pl)
The occurrence of white spots or patches under the nails, or an abnormal whiteness of the nails: Leukonychia has a variety of causes, including leukonychia totalis (total), or leukonychia punctata (only in streaks), or leukonychia striata (streaks).

A cross reference, directly or indirectly, involving a word unit meaning "nail (finger, toe); claw": ungu-.