oneiro-, oneir-, oniro-, onir-, -neir-
(Greek: dream)
A peaceful state of mind following a pleasant dream.
In a state of depression following a nightmare: Glenda's bad dream was so real that she wandered around the next day in a state of malneiophrenia because she was feeling unsettled and emotionally disturbed.
A person who claims to have dreamed just once.
Persistent dreams about nakedness.
The inability to differentiate between dreams and reality.
1. Resembling or accompanied by dreams.
2. Relating to dreams, dream-like.
2. Relating to dreams, dream-like.

oneiric hyperesthesia
An increased sensitivity or pain during sleep and dreams.
1. A condition marked by a dream prolonged from sleep into a period of waking.
2. A dreamlike hallucination in a waking condition.
3. An abnormal dreamlike state of consciousness.
4. A dreamlike state occurring while someone is awake.
2. A dreamlike hallucination in a waking condition.
3. An abnormal dreamlike state of consciousness.
4. A dreamlike state occurring while someone is awake.
The analysis of dreams as an important part of psychoanalytic treatment.
Someone who interprets dreams.
oneirocritic, onirocritic
1. A judge or interpreter of dreams.
2. The art of interpreting dreams; oneirocriticism.
2. The art of interpreting dreams; oneirocriticism.
The Interpretation of Dreams is an ancient Greek book on dream interpretation written by Artemidorus in the 2nd century, and is the first known book on the subject of dream interpretations.
A reference to, practising , or an expert in, the interpretation of dreams.
oneirocriticism, onirocriticism
The art of interpreting dreams.
The Oneirocriticon of Achmet: A Medieval Greek and Arabic Treatise on the Interpretation of Dreams.
An important Byzantine work on dream interpretation which was written in Greek in the 10th century and is said to have greatly influenced subsequent dreambooks in Byzantine Greek, Medieval Latin, and modern European languages.