odonto-, odont-, odon-, -odont, -odonic, -odontic, -odontia, -odontoid; -dont, -donts, -dontia, -dontic, -dontoid

(Greek: tooth, teeth)

odontagra (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. A toothache thought to be of gouty origin: Dr. Jones told Jane that her toothache was was not a case of odontagra, which was originally thought to be caused by gout.
2. Outdated, a device for extracting a tooth: When taking classes in dentistry, Jerry learned that an odontagra was an instrument for pulling teeth out.
odontalgia (s) (noun), odontalgias (pl)
An aching tooth; toothache: Little Mary complained of one of her teeth hurting her, so the dentist checked it and said that she had a case of odontalgia that could be treated.
Eruption or "cutting" of the teeth, especially of the deciduous teeth (first or primary dentition; not permanent).
Any whale of the suborder Odontoceti, as dolphins, killer whales, and sperm whales, characterized by an asymmetrical skull, a single blowhole, and rows of teeth, feeding primarily on fish, squid, and crustaceans.
Odontoceti, odontocetous
Toothed whales: dolphins; porpoises; sperm whales; beaked whales.
Itching of gum tissue around the teeth.
odontodynia (s) (noun) (no pl)
A toothache or a pain in a tooth or in the teeth: Little Timmy was told by his dentist that he had a condition of odontodynia due to cavities in his teeth.

Other reasons for odontodynia can be a dental abscess, a tooth fracture, and a periodontal disease.

1. A variety of orchid that grows on other plants and is widely cultivated for its clusters of brightly colored flowers. Native to: mountainous areas from Bolivia to Mexico.
2. Etymology: from modern Latin, "tooth tongue"; from Greek odont-, "tooth" + glossa, "tongue"; based on the projection on the end of the flower, resembling a tooth.
A personal record of bite forms of teeth used as personal identification.
1. Device for determining the degree of uneven surfaces of teeth enamel.
2. An instrument for laying out the forms of gear teeth or ratchets.
3. An instrument for marking or laying off the outlines of the teeth of gear wheels.

Related "tooth, teeth" word units: bruxo-; dento-.