nod-, nodu-
(Latin: knot, knob; lump)
2. A point, or region, of maximum amplitude of a wave characteristic in a system in which the wave form is stationary in time.
2. The outcome of a complex sequence of events; the end result, or the final stage, or climax, of what has happened: While traveling home from work in his car, the unannounced construction on the street caused more dénouements of delays for Tom just before he arrived home than he had anticipated.
3. Etymology: from French dénouement, "an untying" of a plot); from dénouer, "untie"; from Old French desnouer; from des-, "un-, out"; from Latin dis- "reversal, removal" + nouer, "to tie, to knot"; from Latin nodus, "a knot".

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2. A section or part between two nodes; such as, a nerve or stem.
2. A rounded handle, as on a drawer or door.
3. A rounded control switch or dial.
3. A prominent rounded hill or mountain.
4. Etymology: from about 1373, knobe is thought to be from a Scandinavian or a German source. The meaning of "knoll, isolated round hill" is first recorded in about 1650; especially, in the United States.
Although knob is not a part of the nodu- family, it is used extensively to define a variety of "nodal" terms.
2. A trap made of netting to catch fish or birds or insects.
3. Etymology: originally "something knotted", "to twist, a knot" from Latin nodus, "knot".
2. In electricity, in a transmission system, the junction points by which automatic switches and switching centers are nodal points in automated systems.
3. In oceanography, points of zero displacement of water in amphidromic tidal systems, reduced from a line to a point by the Coriolis effect (observed deflection of something).
Also called, amphidromic points (points of almost zero tidal fluctuation on the ocean surface, represented on a chart of cotidal lines by a point from which these lines radiate).
2. Tissue from the sinoatrial node or atrioventricular node in the heart.
2. A knob or nodosity; a circumscribed swelling; in anatomy, a circumscribed mass of tissue.
3. The plot of a story or drama.
4. In astronomy, either of the two points at which the intersection of the planes of two orbits; especially, those of a satellite and its primary, pierces the celestial sphere; specifically, the point where the orbit of a heavenly body intersects the ecliptic.
5. A knuckle, or a finger joint.
6. In fungi, a swelling on a stolon where the rhizomes arise.
A stolon is a shoot that bends to the ground or that grows horizontally above the ground and produces roots and shoots at the nodes.
7. Etymology: from "a knot" or "complication"; from Latin nodus, "knot". Originally borrowed around 1400 in Latin form, meaning "lump in the flesh". The meaning "point of intersection" (originally of planetary orbits with the ecliptic) was first recorded 1665.The term node is widely used in medicine; for example, the smaller lymphatic glands are often termed "lymph nodes".
It is also applied to a collection of nerve cells forming a subsidiary nerve center found in various places in the sympathetic nervous system; such as, the sinuatrial node and the atrio-ventricular node which control the beating of the heart.
The term node is generally defined as a point of juncture between parts, often forming a knot or protuberance; specific uses include:
- Anatomy: a small knot or lump of body tissue, either existing naturally or caused by disease.
- Botany: a joint in the stem of a plant; especially, the joint from which a leaf starts to grow.
- Geology: a point along a fault marked by a change in the direction of apparent displacement.
- Physics: in a standing wave system, a point or locus of points that maintains zero amplitude.
- Astronomy: one of the two points in an orbit where the plane of the orbit intersects some reference plane.
- Electricity: a junction point in a circuit or other network.
- Computer Technology: a data entry point in a database management system.
- Telecommunications: the location at which transmitting or receiving equipment is connected to a communications network.
- Mathematics: a singular point on a curve or a vertex of a graph.
There is a duality principle which indicates that the edges may also be viewed as nodes; in network applications, vertices (points where three or more planes of a solid figure intersect) are called "nodes" and the edges are called "branches".