miss-, mis-, -miss, -mis, mit-, mitt-, -mit, -mitt
(Latin: to send, to let go, to cause to go; to throw, to hurl, to cast)
Don't confuse this miss-, -mis unit with the following units: mis-, "bad, wrong"; miso-, mis-, "hate, hatred"; misc- "mix, mingle".
1. To yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another; especially reluctantly or under pressure.
2. To subject to a condition or process.
3. To commit (something) to the consideration or judgment of another: "Applicatins must be submitted prior to the day of departure."
4. To offer as a proposition or contention: "I submit that the terms are entirely unreasonable."
5. To give in to the authority, power, or desires of another.
6. To allow oneself to be subjected to something.
7. To defer to another's knowledge, judgment, or experience.
2. To subject to a condition or process.
3. To commit (something) to the consideration or judgment of another: "Applicatins must be submitted prior to the day of departure."
4. To offer as a proposition or contention: "I submit that the terms are entirely unreasonable."
5. To give in to the authority, power, or desires of another.
6. To allow oneself to be subjected to something.
7. To defer to another's knowledge, judgment, or experience.
surmise (verb), surmises; surmised; surmising
1. To infer or to guess something without sufficient and conclusive evidence: Janet and David surmised that they had finally located the meeting point for the hikers because there were other people there with backpacks and sturdy shoes waiting together in the parking lot next to the forest.
2. An idea or opinion based on inadequate and unconvincing proof; a conjecture: When Nicole came home after the staff meeting, there wasn’t any dinner left for her; so, she surmised that it had tasted so good that her family could not stop eating all of it!
3. An idea or thought of something as being possible or likely: Jane surmised that the good-looking man must be a prominent person because everybody in front of the theater was asking him for his autograph!

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2. An idea or opinion based on inadequate and unconvincing proof; a conjecture: When Nicole came home after the staff meeting, there wasn’t any dinner left for her; so, she surmised that it had tasted so good that her family could not stop eating all of it!
3. An idea or thought of something as being possible or likely: Jane surmised that the good-looking man must be a prominent person because everybody in front of the theater was asking him for his autograph!

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1. The movement or transfer of electric energy over an interconnected group of lines and associated equipment: The workers for the local hydroelectric company worked hard after the storm to ensure an uninterrupted transmission of power to the community.
2. The transferring of of a disease or condition; such as, a virus, from one person to another: The doctors were striving to vaccinate the local population in order to control the risk of the transmission of the influenza among the people.
3. The system of gears by which power is conveyed from the engine of an automobile, or other motor vehicle, to the driving axle or axles: Because he failed to follow the maintenance schedule suggested by the manufacturer, the transmission in Frank's car was not working properly and so he was obliged to go to a garage for repairs.
4. The act or process of sending something; especially, radio signals, radio or television broadcasts, or data: The transmission of the king's speech was arranged by the company that owned the necessary equipment and the presentation was heard throughout the country.
5. The act of transferring a message electronically: Johanna was happy she could use the transmission of sending an e-mail from her computer to her sister in Canada, instead of waiting for a letter to get to her days later.
2. The transferring of of a disease or condition; such as, a virus, from one person to another: The doctors were striving to vaccinate the local population in order to control the risk of the transmission of the influenza among the people.
3. The system of gears by which power is conveyed from the engine of an automobile, or other motor vehicle, to the driving axle or axles: Because he failed to follow the maintenance schedule suggested by the manufacturer, the transmission in Frank's car was not working properly and so he was obliged to go to a garage for repairs.
4. The act or process of sending something; especially, radio signals, radio or television broadcasts, or data: The transmission of the king's speech was arranged by the company that owned the necessary equipment and the presentation was heard throughout the country.
5. The act of transferring a message electronically: Johanna was happy she could use the transmission of sending an e-mail from her computer to her sister in Canada, instead of waiting for a letter to get to her days later.
transmission line
A heavy wire carrying large amounts of electricity over long distances from a generating station to a place where the electricity is used.
The amount of power necessary for a transmission to make certain that its network will be secure under a reasonable range of uncertainties in system conditions: Jim learned about the transmission reliability margin in his computer class and realized how important it was.
transmission system
An interconnected group of electric transmission lines and associated equipment for transferring electric energy in bulk between a point of supply and a point at which it is delivered to consumers or to another electrical system.
1. An instrument for measuring the transmission of light through a fluid.
2. An electronic instrument system that provides a continuous record of the atmospheric transmission between two fixed points.
2. An electronic instrument system that provides a continuous record of the atmospheric transmission between two fixed points.
1. To send something, pass something on, or to cause something to spread, from one person, thing, or place to another: "The disease is transmitted by blood transfusion."
2. To communicate a message, information, or news: "Data was quickly transmitted."
3. To make heat, sound, light, or other radiation pass or spread through space or a medium.
4. Movement from one part of a mechanism to another.
2. To communicate a message, information, or news: "Data was quickly transmitted."
3. To make heat, sound, light, or other radiation pass or spread through space or a medium.
4. Movement from one part of a mechanism to another.
The fraction of percentage of a particular frequency or wavelength of electronmagnetic radiation that passes through a substance without being absorbed or reflected.
1. A piece of broadcasting equipment that generates a radio-frequency wave, modulates it so that it carries a meaningful signal, and sends it out from an antenna.
2. In telecommunications, the part of a telephone that converts sound waves to electrical impulses.
3. One who, or that which, transmits; specifically, that portion of a telegraphic or telephonic instrument by means of which a message is sent; opposed to receiver.
4. A device that converts sound waves to electrical waves; such as, the microphone of a telephone.
5. A device used for the generation of signals of any type and form that are to be transmitted.
2. In telecommunications, the part of a telephone that converts sound waves to electrical impulses.
3. One who, or that which, transmits; specifically, that portion of a telegraphic or telephonic instrument by means of which a message is sent; opposed to receiver.
4. A device that converts sound waves to electrical waves; such as, the microphone of a telephone.
5. A device used for the generation of signals of any type and form that are to be transmitted.
In radio and radar, it is that portion of the equipment that includes electronic circuits designed to generate, amplify, and shape the radio frequency energy that is delivered to the antenna where it is radiated out into space.
transmitting utility
A regulated entity that owns and maintains wires used to transmit wholesale power.