miss-, mis-, -miss, -mis, mit-, mitt-, -mit, -mitt
(Latin: to send, to let go, to cause to go; to throw, to hurl, to cast)
Don't confuse this miss-, -mis unit with the following units: mis-, "bad, wrong"; miso-, mis-, "hate, hatred"; misc- "mix, mingle".
An agent or a representative sent on a particular mission to represent or to advance the interests of another person or government: Becky asked her brother to be her emissary and to find out if Brad, the boy Becky found so attractive, was interested in her or not.

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1. The act of causing to flow out: Tipping the filled water pitcher on its side caused the emission of all the water, which poured out onto the table.
2. The outpouring of a liquid from a pipe: When the farmer turned the water main on, there was an emission of water from the concrete conduit as it flowed into the orchard to water the trees.
3. The action of small particles or substances moving away from a central source: The emission of heat from the fireplace soon warmed the entire room.
4. One of a number of ways in which something may be discharged out of the body: Coughing is a way to facilitate the emission of phlegm from the throat.
5. Something that has been discharged or released from the body: Dr. Smith sent a sample of the emission of pus from the patient's wound to the laboratory to be analyzed.
2. The outpouring of a liquid from a pipe: When the farmer turned the water main on, there was an emission of water from the concrete conduit as it flowed into the orchard to water the trees.
3. The action of small particles or substances moving away from a central source: The emission of heat from the fireplace soon warmed the entire room.
4. One of a number of ways in which something may be discharged out of the body: Coughing is a way to facilitate the emission of phlegm from the throat.
5. Something that has been discharged or released from the body: Dr. Smith sent a sample of the emission of pus from the patient's wound to the laboratory to be analyzed.
emit (verb), emits; emitted; emitting
1. To give off, send forth, or discharge; as of light, heat, or radiation, vapor, etc. (Example: "The ozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun emits").
2. To expel (gases or odors).
3. To express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words).
2. To expel (gases or odors).
3. To express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words).
emittable (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Capable of being discharged or sent forth, as with heat: The light cast by the candles was emittable and threw interesting figures on the ceiling in the room.
2. Susceptible of being expelled or passed off, as with gases: After eating a meal including a lot of garlic, the emitttable odor of the garlic was perceived by all those present!
3. Inclined to be communicated audibly: The emittable barks from the dogs were heard throughout the neighborhood.
2. Susceptible of being expelled or passed off, as with gases: After eating a meal including a lot of garlic, the emitttable odor of the garlic was perceived by all those present!
3. Inclined to be communicated audibly: The emittable barks from the dogs were heard throughout the neighborhood.
The act of immitting, or of sending or thrusting in; injection.
To send in; to inject; to infuse.
impermissible, impermissibility
1. Not permissible or allowable; unallowable.
2. Not permitted.
2. Not permitted.
1. The act of disrupting an activity temporarily: In many sports activities, the intermission is often called "half time", which is a chance for the players to get a little rest and to get ready for the next half of the game.
2. A time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something: Tom's professor announced a brief intermission during her lecture on astrophysics because the equipment she was using was malfunctioning.
3. A respite or recess: The judge ordered an intermission during the trial to allow the witness, who was upset, to calm down and relax before continuing her testimony.
4. The period between the acts of a theatrical or musical performance: During the intermission at the theater, Linda's parents went backstage to talk with the actors because they had worked together with each other many years before.
2. A time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something: Tom's professor announced a brief intermission during her lecture on astrophysics because the equipment she was using was malfunctioning.
3. A respite or recess: The judge ordered an intermission during the trial to allow the witness, who was upset, to calm down and relax before continuing her testimony.
4. The period between the acts of a theatrical or musical performance: During the intermission at the theater, Linda's parents went backstage to talk with the actors because they had worked together with each other many years before.
intermit, intermits, intermitted, intermitting
1. To cease an action temporarily.
2. To suspend or cause to suspend an activity temporarily or periodically.
2. To suspend or cause to suspend an activity temporarily or periodically.
intermittent (adjective), more intermittent, most intermittent
1. Stopping and starting at regular intervals: Trains, busses, and other means of transportation have intermittent schedules so people can plan their trips better or get to their places of work at a set time more efficiently.
2. Stopping and starting at irregular times: Rain showers usually fall at intermittent intervals making it difficult to plan picnics out in the park in the summer.
3. Alternately containing and lowering of water: There are many examples of intermittent lakes; especially, in regions where there are unpredictable amounts of rain per year that may cause the lakes to rise when there is a lot of rain or to become lower when there is a drought.

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2. Stopping and starting at irregular times: Rain showers usually fall at intermittent intervals making it difficult to plan picnics out in the park in the summer.
3. Alternately containing and lowering of water: There are many examples of intermittent lakes; especially, in regions where there are unpredictable amounts of rain per year that may cause the lakes to rise when there is a lot of rain or to become lower when there is a drought.

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The placement of one item into another: The physician made arrangements for the intromission of a tube to allow for a measured drip of medication into the patient's arm.