ad manum (Latin phrase)
Translation: "At hand."
The secretary in the law office aways had the documents the lawyers wanted ad manum, or near by.
1. A person who is employed to write down what someone dictates or to copy what has been written by another person; a secretary: The CEO always said that his amanuensis was the key to the organizational skills and success of his business.
2. A writer's assistant with research and secretarial duties: Iva was able to pay for her university expenses by being an amanuensis for one of her history professors.
3.Etymology: from Latin amanuensis, from the phrase servus a manu, "a servant from the hand"; that is, "a servant writing from dictation" or "secretary"; composed of a, "from" + manual, "hand".

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2. A writer's assistant with research and secretarial duties: Iva was able to pay for her university expenses by being an amanuensis for one of her history professors.
3.Etymology: from Latin amanuensis, from the phrase servus a manu, "a servant from the hand"; that is, "a servant writing from dictation" or "secretary"; composed of a, "from" + manual, "hand".

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bimanous (adjective), more bimanous, most bimanous
A reference to having two hands, or being two-handed; especially, as distinct from having feet: Humans differ from apes in being bimanous creatures while the apes and monkeys are "quadrumanous" animals because all four of their feet are adapted for grasping things just as if they had four hands.
bimanual (adjective), more bimanual, most bimanual
Relating to, done with, or performed by the use of both hands: Playing the piano is a bimanual activity because it requires ten fingers to accomplish a successful rendition!
bimanually (adverb), more bimanually, most bimanually
Relating to the use of both hands: Sometimes dramatic interference can be observed with simple bimanual movements; such as, when patting one’s head with one hand while the same person rubs his or her own head with the other hand.
It is much safer for people to bimanually drive their cars instead of with just one hand.
Some jars of jam need to be opened bimanually because the lids are often very tight.
The deliberate alteration of the species of an ecosystem by adding or removing certain ones: Sometimes predators are involved in a biomanipulation in order to balance the composition of an area.
command (verb), commands; commanded; commanding
1. To direct with authority; to give orders to: Mrs. Jackson had to command her son to clean up his room and to put his clothes in the closet properly because he wouldn't do it if she didn't tell him to do it!
2. To have control or authority over; to rule; a military unit or region under the control of a single officer: A general who commands an army.
3. To have at one's disposal: A person who commands seven languages.
4. To deserve and receive as due; exact: The troops' bravery commanded respect.
5. To exercise dominating, authoritative influence over others: General Andrews commands every military room that he enters on the base, as shown when everyone stands at attention when he comes in.
6. To dominate by a physical position; overlook: Harry climbed to the top of a mountain that was commanding the valley below.
7. Etymology: from Latin commandare, "to commit to one's charge"; literally, "to place in one's hands".
2. To have control or authority over; to rule; a military unit or region under the control of a single officer: A general who commands an army.
3. To have at one's disposal: A person who commands seven languages.
4. To deserve and receive as due; exact: The troops' bravery commanded respect.
5. To exercise dominating, authoritative influence over others: General Andrews commands every military room that he enters on the base, as shown when everyone stands at attention when he comes in.
6. To dominate by a physical position; overlook: Harry climbed to the top of a mountain that was commanding the valley below.
7. Etymology: from Latin commandare, "to commit to one's charge"; literally, "to place in one's hands".
1. The commanding officer of a military unit.: Colonel Jones is the commandant of a local army base where children of military personnel there go to a local civilian school.
2. The title of the senior officer and head of the U.S. Marine Corps: The CMC, or Commandant of the Marine Corps, is normally that military group's highest-ranking officer and is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; as well as, being responsible for ensuring that the organization, policy, plans, and programs for the Marine Corps are accomplished.
2. The title of the senior officer and head of the U.S. Marine Corps: The CMC, or Commandant of the Marine Corps, is normally that military group's highest-ranking officer and is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; as well as, being responsible for ensuring that the organization, policy, plans, and programs for the Marine Corps are accomplished.
commandatory (adjective), more commandatory, most commandatory
Having the force of an order: The military unit received commandatory instructions to attack the enemy forces that threatened to take over a local town which would have caused many casualties among the citizens living there.
commandeer (verb), commandeers; commandeered; commandeering
1. To force someone into armed forces: Although Jack didn’t want to join the army as a volunteer, he had to become an enlistee because he was commandeered along with some of his friends..
2. To seize for military use; to confiscate: After the navy had commandeered the museum as its headquarters, it was reopened later to the public after renovations.
3. To take arbitrarily or by force; to appropriate: After the two criminals had commandeered the vehicle containing cash for banks, they stole it and escaped before they could be stopped!!
4. To seize (private property) for military or other public use: The police officer commandeered a private vehicle and took off after the getaway car of the bank robber.
5. Etymology: from Latin commandare, "to commit to one's charge"; from com, "with, together" + mandare, "to commit to one's charge"; literally "to place in one's hands"; from manus, "hand".
2. To seize for military use; to confiscate: After the navy had commandeered the museum as its headquarters, it was reopened later to the public after renovations.
3. To take arbitrarily or by force; to appropriate: After the two criminals had commandeered the vehicle containing cash for banks, they stole it and escaped before they could be stopped!!
4. To seize (private property) for military or other public use: The police officer commandeered a private vehicle and took off after the getaway car of the bank robber.
5. Etymology: from Latin commandare, "to commit to one's charge"; from com, "with, together" + mandare, "to commit to one's charge"; literally "to place in one's hands"; from manus, "hand".
1. Someone in an official position of authority who can control others: Sometimes the principal of a school acts as a commander when there are disciplinary problems among the students and he or she can demand that they do what they are told.
2. A person who exercises authority; a chief officer; a leader: The commander of the local police force was well-liked for being fair and protective of the citizens of his community.
3. An officer ranking below a captain and above a lieutenant commander in a military unit: Joan's brother became a commander after serving successfully during his ten years in the navy.
2. A person who exercises authority; a chief officer; a leader: The commander of the local police force was well-liked for being fair and protective of the citizens of his community.
3. An officer ranking below a captain and above a lieutenant commander in a military unit: Joan's brother became a commander after serving successfully during his ten years in the navy.
1: An official edict or proclamation: A commandment is an official announcement; such as, one which was put into effect when Eisenhower formally declared Alaska as the 49th state in the United States of America.
2. One of the ten significant rules of conduct that, according to the Bible, were given to Moses by God: “Thou shalt not murder” is one of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament.
2. One of the ten significant rules of conduct that, according to the Bible, were given to Moses by God: “Thou shalt not murder” is one of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament.
commend (verb), commends; commended; commending
1. To praise or to express admiration: Mr. Smith commended his student for such good pronunciations while reading a story out loud in class.
2. To mention as being deserving of recommendation or attention: There were a number of critics who commended Sharon, the author, for her outstanding book.
3. To mention or to pass on good wishes from one person to another: After her visit, Jane said, "And, please remember to commend me to your mother when you see her next week."
4. To entrust or to commit to the care of another person: Jack commended his kitty to the protection or safekeeping of his best friend, Jane, while he was away on a trip.
5. Etymology: from Latin commendare, "to commit to one's charge"; from com, "with, together" + mandare, "to place in one's hands"; just the same as command which is originally the same as commend, but differentiated from it in meaning.
2. To mention as being deserving of recommendation or attention: There were a number of critics who commended Sharon, the author, for her outstanding book.
3. To mention or to pass on good wishes from one person to another: After her visit, Jane said, "And, please remember to commend me to your mother when you see her next week."
4. To entrust or to commit to the care of another person: Jack commended his kitty to the protection or safekeeping of his best friend, Jane, while he was away on a trip.
5. Etymology: from Latin commendare, "to commit to one's charge"; from com, "with, together" + mandare, "to place in one's hands"; just the same as command which is originally the same as commend, but differentiated from it in meaning.
commendable (adjective), more commendable, most commendable
A reference to someone or something that deserves praise or admiration: Susan did very commendable work while editing the online dictionary for her friend, putting in a lot of time, effort and knowledge.
A performance of some kind of action that is honorable and highly regarded as outstanding: The police thanked Jerome for his commendableness in stopping his car on the empty lane by the edge of the express way and catching a little calf that was there before it went out into the fast traffic lanes.
Shirley's mother demonstrated a great deal of commendableness for her voluntary work with the refugees who arrived in her town.
Related "hand" units: cheiro-, chiro-; Dextro and Sinsitro History; Hands as Objects of Art; Hands: Mechanical Marvels; palm.