Paul's muscles have been well developed as a result of manually working over the years.
2. Etymology: from Latin manualis, "of the hand"; from manus, "hand".The advertisements on TV declared that the most reliable car was produced by one of the country's leading manufacturers.
2. Etymology: from Latin manus-, "hand" + movere, "to move".
2. To write a book, a document, or a piece of music by hand rather than as a typed or printed production: The author could think and manuscribe his ideas for his next novel on paper better than by using a computer.
2. Handwriting as opposed to machine-printed words: Grace was noted for her beautiful manuscript which looked almost as if she had written it using the cursive font on a computer.
A motto of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Greensboro, North Carolina, USA; and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA.
2. The often oppressive influence of the past on the present: Some people have lived through very disturbing and stressful conditions as children; for example, a divorce in the family or having both parents being unemployed, having debts with no money in the bank, and various other kinds of mortmains that have impacted their way of living as adults.
3. Etymology: from Latin mortua manus; literally "dead hand"; from mors, "dead" + mamus, "hand"..

Judy's friend recommends that she read a certain book that will improve her understanding of the kind of psychotherapy which would benefit her.
2. To represent or to urge as advisable or expedient: Sam felt the need to recommend caution when his friend was about to drive home during the rain storm.
3. To advise, as an alternative; to suggest a choice, course of action, etc. as appropriate, beneficial, etc.:
At the restaurant, Charles recommended the blue-plate special because it included an especially delicious steak.
Ted's doctor recommended special exercises for him to do to help his aching back.
4. Etymology: from Latin commendare, "to entrust to, to praise", from re- + mandare "to give into someone's hand, to commit to one's charge".2: Something, like a letter, that favorably mentions the qualifications or characters of a person: Joyce was ecstatic when she received the recommendations from her college which she can present to her employer when she goes back to work next week.
Related "hand" units: cheiro-, chiro-; Dextro and Sinsitro History; Hands as Objects of Art; Hands: Mechanical Marvels; palm.