laryng-, laryngo- +

(Greek > Modern Latin: throat, upper part of the windpipe; the vocal-chord area of the throat; the musculocartilaginous structure below the tongue root and hyoid bone and above the trachea)

Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 28th Edition, cautions users to be aware of the proper pronunciations of laryngo- (luh RING goh) and laryng- (luh RINJ): "Avoid mispronouncing this combining form lar-in' jo" or (lar IN joh).

Here is a special article about the Neck and Throat.

A technique that includes the use of a system of mirrors so an observer is able to inspect the interior of his/her own larynx.
chronic posterior laryngitis
A form of laryngitis involving principally the interarytenoid area; thought to be caused by regurgitation of gastric contents.
chronic subglottic laryngitis, chorditis vocalis inferior
Prolonged inflammation of the mucous membrane extending below from the vocal folds for up to several centimeters.
croupous laryngitis
Inflammation of the subglottic larynx associated with respiratory infection and croupy or noisy breathing.
An inaccurate term for esophagopharyngolaryngectomy.
Excision of the larynx in continuity with the laryngopharynx and esophagus as a preliminary to the restoration of swallowing by visceral transposition via the posterior mediastinum.

The operation is indicated for certain malignant tumors of the cervical esophagus and hypopharynx.

Excision of one lateral (side) half of the larynx (voice box).
Pertaining to the hyoid bone (a U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue muscles) and the larynx.
laryngalgia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Pain or neuralgia of the larynx (voice box or vocal cords): Stella yelled a lot at the football gave and came down with laryngalgia and couldn't talk at all, and her doctor gave her some medication and told her, in addition, not even to whisper!
laryngeal (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Relating to the larynx: Because Lynn had a laryngeal infection, Dr. Smith, the ottorhinolarynologist, said that she should not talk at all, stay home, and and not teach in school for a whole week.
2. A speech sound produced by constriction the larynx: Ginny spoke with a laryngeal, or creaky, voice by tightening her larynx to make very low sounds.
Someone who has had a laryngectomy.
Surgery to remove part or all of the larynx resulting in a partial or total laryngectomy.

In either operation, the surgeon performs a tracheostomy, creating an opening called a stoma in the front of the neck which may be temporary or permanent.

Air enters and leaves the trachea and lungs through this opening. A tracheostomy tube, also called a trache tube, keeps the new airway open.

A partial laryngectomy preserves the voice. The surgeon removes only part of the voice box, just one vocal cord, part of a cord, or just the epiglottis, and the stoma is temporary.

After a brief recovery period, the trache tube is removed, and the stoma closes up. The patient can then breathe and talk in the usual way. In some cases, however, the voice may be hoarse or weak.

In a total laryngectomy, the whole voice box is removed, and the stoma is permanent. The patient, called a laryngectomee, breathes through the stoma. A laryngectomee must learn to talk in a new way.

A spasmodic narrowing or closure of the rima glottidis (narrow opening between the vocal cords).
laryngismus stridulus (spasmus glottidis)
A spasmodic closure of the glottis, causing noisy inspiration.
Relating to or caused by laryngitis.

Cross references related to "neck, throat" word families: cervic-; coll-; esophag-; guttur-; nuch-; trachel-.