kine-, kin-, kino-, kinesio-, kinesi-, kineto-, kinet-, -kinesia, -kinesis, -kinetic, -kinesias, -kineses, -kinetical, -kinetically
(Greek: move, set in motion; muscular activity)
1. Absence or a lack of movements: Acinesia is a partial or total loss of muscle movements because of peripheral or central nervous system abnormalities.
Mable's acinesia was most obvious when she was trying to swim.
2. An absence of or a decrease of voluntary motion that may range from moderate inactivity to almost complete immobility: The doctor warned Marcos that prolonged use of the wheelchair could result in acinesia of his legs.With insects, akinesia is a lack of immobility that can be caused by damage to or a loss of sensory organs; such as, the antennae.
Excessive motility; an abnormal freedom of movement; acrocinesis: Timmy's teacher, Mrs. Smart, mentioned to his parents that Jimmy couldn't sit still at all because he was always moving his extremities and thus disturbing his peers in class. After seeing their doctor, he said that Timmy had a case of acrokinesia.
adiadochocinesia, adiadochocinesis; adiadochokinesia, adiadochokinesis (s) (noun); adiadochocinesias, adiadochocineses; adiadochokinesias, adiadochokineses (pl)
1. Loss of the power to perform rapid alternating movements: This symptom of adiadochocinesia is indicative of a disorder of the cerebellum or its tracts.
3. Etymology: a highly contrived word that is composed of the Greek a-, "without" + diadochos, "successive" + kinesis, "motion".
Adiadochokinesis involves the inability to stop one movement and then to follow it immediately with another motion in the opposite direction.
2. The inability to perform rapid alternating movements of one or more of the body's extremities: Adiadochocinesis is sometimes requested by physicians during physical examinations so they can determine if the patient has any neurological problems.3. Etymology: a highly contrived word that is composed of the Greek a-, "without" + diadochos, "successive" + kinesis, "motion".
So, adiadochokinesis is a neurological sign of the inability to perform rapid alternating movements; such as, pronation (turning the hand so the palm faces downward or backward) and supination (having the palm of the hand facing upward).
The mobilization of fat in the body: The old-fashioned term adipokeinesis was used in connection with the liberation of free fatty acids into the blood plasma.
adipokinetic (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to a substance or factor that causes movement of stored lipid (fat): An adipokinetic agent is one that moves or circulates stored fat in a person's body.
adrenokinetic (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of the stimulation of the adrenal glands: Thomas learned that his adrenokinetic disorder also referred to adrenokinesis, which was an old-fashioned term.
1. Loss of deep pressure sensibility or of position and joint perception: Despite years of therapy, Joyce continued to experience akinaesthesia and was unable to identify the positions of her limbs.
2. A perceptual lack of awareness of muscular movements or physical positions: Jonathan experienced kinesthesia and was unable to identify any physical motions or the actual positions of his legs.
2. A perceptual lack of awareness of muscular movements or physical positions: Jonathan experienced kinesthesia and was unable to identify any physical motions or the actual positions of his legs.
akinaesthetic, akinesthetic (adjective); more akinaesthetic, most akinaesthetic; more akinesthetic, most akinesthetic
Referring to a person who is affected by the absence or loss of movement: Jeff, the akinaesthetic patient, experienced disorienting situations because he could not experience motions with any part of his body.
1. Motionlessness attributable to a temporary paralysis.
2. Absence, poverty, or lack of control of voluntary muscle movements.
3. In pharmacology, the temporary paralysis of a muscle by the injection of procaine.
2. Absence, poverty, or lack of control of voluntary muscle movements.
3. In pharmacology, the temporary paralysis of a muscle by the injection of procaine.