kine-, kin-, kino-, kinesio-, kinesi-, kineto-, kinet-, -kinesia, -kinesis, -kinetic, -kinesias, -kineses, -kinetical, -kinetically

(Greek: move, set in motion; muscular activity)

1. Relating to electrokinetics or having to do with electricity in motion.
2. A reference to one of the four types of electrokinetic effects:
  • electro-osmosis
  • electrophoresis
  • streaming potential
  • sedimentation potential
electrokinetic effects, electrokinetic phenomena
Conditions associated with relative movements between a charged surface and an electrolytic solution.

The surface is ordinarily either a solid particle suspended in the solution or the medium through which the solution flows.

electrokinetic transducer (s) (noun), electrokinetic transducers (pl)
An instrument that converts dynamic physical forces into electric signals.
1. The study of the motion of electric charges.
2. The branch of physics that deals with electric currents or electricity in motion.
3. A branch of physics dealing with the steady motion of charges and the behavior of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields.
1. A device designed to measure the speed of ocean currents, based on their electrical effects in the earth's magnetic field.
2. An instrument used to measure ocean current velocities based on their electrical effects in the magnetic field of the earth.
3. A device for determining the motion of ocean water by measuring its electric potentials as it moves through the earth's magnetic field.
estheticokinetic (adjective), more estheticokinetic, most estheticokinetic
A reference to sensation and motion or being both sensory and motor responsive: Playing a guitar is an estheticokinetic experience in that the player must instinctively move his or her hand rapidly and accurately.
An instrument for recording graphically the movements of the stomach.
1. Having the ability to activate glucose, especially by breaking down stored glycogen so as to increase glucose concentrations in the blood.
2. Activating sugar so as to maintain the sugar level of the blood.
3. Tending to mobilize glucose; usually evidenced by a reduction of the glycogen stores in the tissues to produce an increase in the concentration of glucose circulating in the blood.
Movements involved in writing.
halokinesis (s) (noun) (no pl)
In geology, the study of the structure and processes involved in the formation of salt domes; salt tectonics: In Floyd's geography class they talked about halokinesis, or how crystalline rock salt is upwelled from the earth's surface and about the surrounding malformed sediments.

Related "move, motion" word units: cine-; mobil-; mot-, mov-; oscillo-; seismo-; vibro-.