insulino-, insulin-, insula-, insulo-, insul-, isle
(Latin: island; derived from insul[a], "island" [used here in reference to the islands [islets] of Langerhans, irregular structures in the pancreas that produce the protein hormone insulin which is secreted into the blood where it regulates sugar metabolism])
aisle, I'll, isle
aisle (IGHL) (noun)
A passageway or corridor; for example: a narrow aisle between two rows of seats; a pathway: Each aisle between the stalls at the market was crammed with people.
I'll (IGHL) (pronoun-verb)
A contraction of "I will" or "I shall": I’ll do it as soon as I can.
isle (IGHL) (noun)
A very small island, an islet: Jeb Smith bought his own private isle so he and his family could build a house and have more privacy.
Charles and his family wanted to go to that beautiful isle where they could enjoy their vacation.
I'll bet after they walk down the aisle, the bride and groom will leave for that distant isle they have talked about so often.
circuminsular (adjective), more circuminsular, most circuminsular
Relating to the encircling or situated at the periphery of the cerebral insula.
ethological isolation
The absence of interbreeding between members of different populations because of behavioral differences that preclude effective mating.
insular (adjective), more insular, most insular
1. Relating to the characteristic of being like or pertaining to an island or islands: As everybody should know, Australia is an insular continent, having water on all sides.
2. Characteristic of being separated or isolated: Jack didn't have many friends because he had an inward-looking, standoffish, and withdrawn insular manner.

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2. Characteristic of being separated or isolated: Jack didn't have many friends because he had an inward-looking, standoffish, and withdrawn insular manner.
Harry has little interaction with people because he has an insular attitude.
3. Descriptive of being narrow or limited in customs, opinions, etc.; provincial: There is a special reference of insular which refers to the islands of Great Britain and Ireland that is now the term given to the art of the early medieval period when the entire region shared a surprisingly unified artistic and cultural landscape and it is impossible to say from which part many old artworks are derived.

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Atrophy (weakening or lessening) of fat at the sites of insulin injection.