hyper-, hyp-

(Greek: above, over; excessive; more than normal; abnormal excess [in medicine]; abnormally great or powerful sensation [in physical or pathological terms]; highest [in chemical compounds])

hyperventilation (high" pur ven" t'l AY shuhn) (s) (noun), hyperventilations (pl)
1. Extremely rapid or deep breathing that over oxygenates the blood: Hyperventilation causes dizziness, fainting, tingling in the lips, hands and feet, a headache, fainting, etc.
2. An excessive rate and depth of respiration: Hyperventilation leads to an abnormal loss of carbon dioxide from the blood and an increase of oxygen in the blood.
hypervitaminosis A
A symptom complex resulting from ingestion of excessive amounts of vitamin A, with hair loss, skin disorders, headache, bone and joint pain, anorexia, fatigue, irritability, hyperostosis, hepatosplenomegaly, papilledema, and pseudotumor cerebri (increased pressure within the brain in the absence of a tumor).
hypervitaminosis D
A symptom complex resulting from ingestion of excessive amounts of vitamin D, with weakness, fatigue, loss of weight, and other negative symptoms.
hypervitaminosis, supervitaminosis
1. A condition due to the ingestion of an excess of one or more vitamins.
2. A physical disorder resulting from a nonspecific vitamin excess.
A reference to, or characterized by, hypervitaminosis (a condition in which adverse physical effects are caused by taking in too much of one or more vitamins).
kolpohyperplasia (also colpohyperplasia)
An excessive growth of the mucous membrane and the wall of the vagina or a thickening of the vaginal mucous membrane.
lambda hyperon, lambda particle
1. A quasi-stable baryon, forming an isotopic singlet, having zero charge and hypercharge.
2. Any baryon resonance having zero hypercharge and total isotopic spin.
Hypertrophy of subcutaneous fat.
macromastia, hypermastia
Abnormally large breasts.
muscular hyperalgesia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Pain induced by movement in fatigued muscles: Muscular hyperalgesia can include a problem with the nerve supply, a problem with a muscle, and an inborn error of metabolism.
Infrequent episodes of menstrual bleeding characterized by a heavy flow.
oneiric hyperesthesia
An increased sensitivity or pain during sleep and dreams.
A condition characterized by the overgrowth of bones.
oxyacusis (s) (noun), oxyacuses (pl)
An abnormal sensitivity to sounds, sometimes found in hysteria, in which hearing is abnormally acute: Dr. Ashton's patient often felt like screaming because the oxyacusis that he was experiencing was so painful.
pallyhyperesthesia (s) (noun), pallyhyperesthesias (pl)
An abnormal increase of sensibilities to vibrations: Freddie experienced pallyhyperesthesia especially in his hearing which often resulted in painful auditory experiences.

Related "above, over, beyond the normal, excessive" word units: epi-; super-, supra-, sur; ultra-, ult-.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "more, plentiful, fullness, excessive, over flowing": copi-; exuber-; multi-; opulen-; ple-; pleio-; plethor-; poly-; super-; total-; ultra-; undu-.