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Units related to:
(translations of "The Grand Panjandrum" story)
(Greek: talk, speech, word; story; legend)
(translation of "The Lupus and the Tragas" story)
("The Emperor's New Clothes" by Hans Christian Andersen is a fable about the pitfalls of political self-aggrandizement and the fear of people to face reality even when they know that the reality of the situation is untrue)
(The Nordic story of Tiw and Fenris)
(The story of Beowulf was a literary work in Old English)
(sacred writing of the Egyptians)
(Egyptian schools for scribes prepared students so they could have the economic advantages of those who worked in this profession)
(scribe tools and symbols of one of the most important occupations of ancient Egyptian times)
(Actual translation of the Iktho Story)
(another way to improve one's Latin-Greek-English vocabulary)
(another approach that can enhance a person's Greek > Latin > English vocabulary)
(words with Latin and Greek origins and from other sources)
(a story told with an emphasis on Latin and Greek roots and affixes)
(learning English words from Latin and Greek elements)
(varieties of mostly Latin-Greek based story translations)
(The translation of the story with the interpretations of the right answers in parentheses)
Word Entries containing the term:
Story Translation, Iktho Story
Iktho Story, Quiz #1 to evaluate vocabulary knowledge.
Story Translation, Iktho Story
Iktho Story, Quiz #2 to evaluate vocabulary knowledge.
Story Translation, Iktho Story
Iktho Story, Quiz #3 to evaluate vocabulary knowledge.
Story Translation, Iktho Story
Iktho Story, Quiz #4 to evaluate vocabulary knowledge.
Story Translation: Grand Panjandrum
This entry is located in the following unit:
Story Translations Listed
(page 1)
Story Translation: My Encounter with Iktho
This entry is located in the following unit:
Story Translations Listed
(page 1)
Story Translation: The Autocide That Was Never Accomplished
This entry is located in the following unit:
Story Translations Listed
(page 1)
Story Translation: The Lupus and the Tragas
This entry is located in the following unit:
Story Translations Listed
(page 1)
Story Translation: Tired Feet
This entry is located in the following unit:
Story Translations Listed
(page 1)
Story Translations Listed
Lists of Story Translations.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Special Contents of Interest
(page 4)
The Story of Writing
By Andrew Robinson; Thames and Hudson Ltd.; London; 1995; pages 7-217.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Bibliography of Sources of Information about Professional-Egyptian Scribe Stories
(page 1)