You searched for: “noun
contesting (s) href="">noun), contestings (pl)
A competition in which people strive to do better than others: One example is of a contesting to win a prize or to achieve a position of leadership or power: James and Jane had a marriage that was marred by perpetual contestings.
This entry is located in the following unit: testi-, test- (page 1)
This entry is located in the following unit: nom-, nomen-, nomin-, -nomia, -nomic (page 5)
More possibly related word entries
Units related to: “noun
Holy Bible (s) (noun), Holy Bibles (pl)
(This unit consists of the titles of the Old and New Testaments.)
(Greek: mirror; from kat-[a], "against, back" plus op-[tos], "seen" plus the noun-forming suffix -tron)
(the word internet is now a common noun, not a proper noun)
(Latin: medium is the neuter form of the adjective medius, meaning "middle"; as well as, a neuter noun meaning, "the middle")
Word Entries containing the term: “noun
aromatherapy (s), aromatherapies (pl) noun forms
1. The use of natural oils that have a pleasant smell to make a person feel better; especially, by rubbing the oils into the skin.
2. A term used for treatment of illness and maintenance of general physical health using essential oils distilled from such plants as camomile, camphor, peppermint, rosemary, lavender, and eucalyptus.

Such treatments were known in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and other civilizations, while early Arabian physicians developed the distillation of aromatic oils through experiments in alchemy.

The term aromatherapy derives from the writings of the French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, whose book Aromatherpie was published in 1928. Aromatherapy is more than simply a department of herbalism, since it postulates subtle energies of aromatic plants related to life force, which can be correlated with ancient Chinese concepts of Yin and Yang.

corporealness (s) (noun)noun) (usually no plural)
A body or something physical or tangible: When punishment is applied to a corporealness, it receives pain and extreme discomfort.

Another example of corporealness is tangible property as opposed to intellectual property.

This entry is located in the following unit: corp-, corpor-, corpus- (page 1)
feme sole trader (noun), feme sole traders (pl)
In old English law, a married woman, who, by the custom of London, trades on her own account, independently of her husband; so called because, with respect to her trading, she is the same as a feme sole.

The term is also applied to women who have been deserted by their husbands, who do business as femes sole.

This entry is located in the following units: fem-, femi- (page 2) soli-, sol- + (page 1)
geographical botany, plant geography, phytogeography (s) noun), (no pl))
A major division of plant science which is concerned with all aspects of the spatial distribution of vegetation: Geographical botany, plant geography, and phytogeography all involve the study of the spatial distributions of plant life and of the environmental relationships which may influence these distributions.

Plant geography has emphasized the mapping of such regions and the interpretation of the terms of environmental (ecological) influences.

The areas of phytogeography and zoogeography do not necessarily exist together in the same place, because there are barriers and factors that affect their growth and arrangements which are often different for plants and for animals.

heteronomy (s) noun), heteronomies (pl)
1. The political subjection of or a control of a community by the political rule of another power or to an external law: "In heteronomy, people can not have their own form of government (autonomy) but must obey the laws of another country or government."
2. A condition in which someone or something is under the influence or domination of another person or existing power whether it is nonliving or living: "There are heteronomies that are imposed on us; such as, desires, passions, and physical or mental needs that can cause problems for individuals."
internaut noun), internauts (pl)
Someone who explores the internet (or "cyberspace"), and who is normally searching for information: An internaut is an "internet sailor" or a "sailor on the internet".
This entry is located in the following units: inter-, intero- (page 12) naus-, nau-, naut-, -naut, -nautical, -nautics (page 2)
kleptomanist, cleptomanist (s) (noun; kleptomanists, cleptomanists
A person who can't resist stealing things even when they are not needed.
This entry is located in the following unit: klept-, klepto-, -kleptic; clepto-, clept-, -clepty, -cleptic (page 2)
malinterdigitation (s) noun), malinterdigitations (pl)
A dental condition in which the upper and lower teeth are not properly lined up when biting or chewing: The orthodontist fitted Judy with a brace to help her overcome the malinterdigitation or misalignment of her teeth.
poetomachia (noun), poetomachias (pl)
A contest or quarrel among poets.
This entry is located in the following unit: -mach, -machy, -machies, -machia, -machist, -machic, -machical (page 3)
pro-, a prefix used in front of a noun
In favor of or supporting something or someone; often used with a hyphen: A few examples of pro- include the following: pro-life, pro-American, pro-European, etc.
This entry is located in the following unit: pro-, por-, pur- (page 2)
A unit at Get Words related to: “noun
(names of words)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “noun
(noun) (s) uncountable noun, used only in the singular form
1. (noun) (s): "uncountable", "uncountable noun", or "mass noun" are all terms that refer to a noun that cannot be used freely with numbers or the indefinite article, and which, therefore, usually take no plural forms.

The English nouns, perseverance, information, are uncountable nouns (or "mass nouns), at least in their primary meanings.

With such terms, it is not proper to say that there is one perseverance, nor that there are many perseverances or many informations.

2. Some dictionaries use the entry for a noun with the label [noncount] when it doesn't have a plural form or when it refers to something that can't be counted.
3. When a word can be used as both a singular noun and a plural noun, certain dictionaries will label it count, noncount.
This entry is located in the following unit: noun (s), nouns (pl) (page 1)
The science of the clarity of sounds and the phenomena of hearing in a room or building. (1)
noun (s) uncountable noun, used only in the singular form

Go to this nouns page for information about usages and applications.

This entry is located in the following unit: Parts of Speech for Word Entries (page 1)