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1. As part of thermodynamics, a measure of the amount of energy transferred from one body to another because of the temperature difference between those two bodies.
2. The temperature of a body, substance, or physical environment; especially, a relatively high temperature.
3. A form of transferred energy that arises from the random motion of molecules and which is felt as temperature; especially, as warmth or hotness.

Heat is transmitted by conduction, convection, or radiation.

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Units related to: “heat
(Latin: heat, warm; related to caust-, (fire, burn, burnt, burner))
(Latin: to make warm, heat)
(Latin: pertaining to summer; heat, fire; the ebb and flow of the sea, tide)
(Greek [phlegmatikos] and Latin [phlegmaticus]: heat, inflammation; burn, inflame)
(Greek: fire, burn, burning, heat, produced by heating, hot; and sometimes also referring to "fever as shown at this link")
(the Sun god who brings life-giving heat and light to Earth)
(Latin: to glow, to glow with heat; to burn; to glitter, to shine; white)
(Latin: to build, to erect a building; a building, a sanctuary, a temple; originally, aedes, "building a hearth" or "to build a hearth" because the fire in the hearth was the center of the home in early times since it supplied both heat and light; over time, the meaning expanded from the hearth itself to the home and building that enclosed it)
(Greek: fever, feverish, burning heat, hot)
Word Entries containing the term: “heat
acoustic heat engine (s) (noun), acoustic heat engines (pl)
A machine that converts heat into sound energy and then into electrical energy without the use of mechanical parts: Martin was devising an acoustic heat engine which he believed would bring much less expensive electricity to many people in his city.
anthropogenic heat (s) (noun), anthropogenic heats (pl)
The high temperature generated by humans or by their activities; such as, the heating and cooling of buildings, the operation of machinery, appliances, and transportation vehicles; as well as, various industrial and manufacturing processes.
Atlantic heat conveyor (s) (noun), Atlantic heat conveyors (pl)
A heat transfer from south to north by near-surface waters moving across the equator in the Atlantic Ocean: The Atlantic heat conveyor is a movement that is necessary to stabalize a southward flow of water in the deepness of the ocean, which is slow-moving with a cold and substantial current.
This entry is located in the following unit: atlantic, Atlantic + (page 1)
electric heat, electric heating
Any method or process in which electric energy becomes heat energy by resisting the free flow of electric current; such as, radiant heating.
This entry is located in the following unit: electro-, electr-, electri- (page 10)
electronic specific heat
1. The specific heat contributed by the motion of conduction electrons in a conductor.
2. A contribution to the specific heat of a metal from the motion of conduction electrons.
This entry is located in the following unit: electro-, electr-, electri- (page 68)
geothermal energy, geothermal heat, geothermal heating (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. Energy in the form of natural heat flowing outward from within the plant Earth and contained in rocks, water, brines, or steam: Geothermal heat is produced mainly by the decay of naturally occurring radioactive isotopes of thorium, potassium, and uranium in the Earth's core.

Geothermal energy is produced by tapping the Earth's internal heat. At present, the only available technologies to do this are those that extract heat from hydrothermal convection systems, where water or steam transfer the heat from the deeper part of the Earth to the areas where the energy can be tapped.

The amount of pollutants found in geothermal vary from area to area but may contain arsenic, boron, selenium, lead, cadmium, and fluorides. They also may contain hydrogen sulphide, mercury, ammonia, radon, carbon dioxide, and methane.

Getting the Earth's Heat

Geothermal power plants, which tap hot subterranean water or steam, are high on the lists of at least thirty states in the U.S. which are requiring utility companies to generate some portion of their electricity from such renewable sources.

Most utilities have not pursued geothermal energy primarily because up-front costs, including exploratory drilling, can be expensive since geothermal taps deep reservoirs, not groundwater, which collects much closer to the surface.

An extensive study recently released by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has shown that the heat available under ground is surprisingly plentiful nationwide.

—This segment of information came from
"Heating Up" by Mark Fishetti; Scientific American,
October, 2007; page 80.

A page about geothermal energy in Iceland. More information about special Geothermal Energy sources.

geothermal heat pump, ground source heat pump (s) (noun); geothermal heat pumps: ground source heat pumps (pl)
Heat pumps which consist of underground coils that transfer heat from the ground to the inside of a building: The large company had a ground source heat pump to heat and to cool their many buildings.
heat rigor
1. Coagulation of muscle protein as a result of heat.
2. Etymology: from Old French rigor, from Latin rigorem, rigor, "numbness, stiffness", from "heat" + rigere, "to be stiff".
This entry is located in the following unit: rigi-, rig- (page 1)
mechanical equivalent of heat
1. Thermodynamics, in which a constant which expresses the number of units of heat in terms of a unit of work, typically expressed as the amount of heat transfer required to raise the temperature of one gram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees centigrade.
2. The amount of mechanical energy equivalent to a unit of heat.
3. The number of units of work or energy equal to one unit of heat; such as, 4.1858 joules, which equals one small calorie.
This entry is located in the following unit: mechano-, mechan-; mechanico-; machin- (page 4)
mechanical theory of heat
The principle of heat which consists of motions of the particles that make up a substance.
This entry is located in the following unit: mechano-, mechan-; mechanico-; machin- (page 4)
solar industrial process heat, SIPH
The use of solar thermal technologies to produce hot air, water, or steam for industrial purposes, generally at temperatures below 250 degrees centigrade.
thermal battery, fused-electrolyte battery, heat-activated battery
1. A combination of thermal cells.
2. A voltage source consisting of a number of bimetallic junctions connected to produce a voltage when heated by a flame.
3. A high-temperature, molten-salt primary battery in which the electrolyte is a solid, non-conducting inorganic salt at ambient temperatures.d

When power is required, an internal pyrotechnic heat source is ignited to melt the solid electrolyte which allows electricity to be generated electrochemically for periods from a few seconds to an hour.

This process is often used for military applications; such as, missiles, torpedoes, and space missions.

thermic fever, heat hyperpyrexia
1. Heat stroke resulting from the prolonged exposure to the sun, characterized by extreme pyrexia, prostration, convulsion, and coma.
2. A severe and often fatal illness produced by exposure to excessively high temperatures; especially, when it is related to significant physical exertion.

It is usually experienced with elevated body temperature, lack of sweating, hot dry skin, and neurologic symptoms; including unconsciousness, paralysis, headache, vertigo, and/or confusion. In severe cases, very high fever, vascular collapse, and coma also develop.

thermolabile, heat labile
1. Subject to alteration or destruction by heat.
2. Unstabilized or destroyed when exposed to high temperatures.
3. Easily altered, destroyed, or decomposed by heat.
waste heat (s) (noun), waste heats (pl)
The portion of the energy input to a mechanical process that is rejected into the environment: There is something ironic about air conditioners that cool a person's home but which generate a lot of waste heat which is poured out into the environment.
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waste heat recovery (s) (noun), waste heat recoveries (pl)
Any system or process that actively captures warmth which would otherwise be discharged into the environment, so that it can be used for other purposes: The use of the heat from exhaust gases to heat water is an example of waste heat recovery.
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Word Entries at Get Words: “heat
1. A form of energy released by atoms and molecules moving around randomly.
2. The transfer of energy from one substance to another one.

The energy flow will always be from the warmer substance (with a higher temperature) to the cooler substance (at lower temperature).

Amounts of heat are expressed in energy units; such as, the calorie, the joule, and the BTU or British Thermal Unit which is about 252 calories and about 4.2 calories is a joule (the basic unit of energy in the meter-kilogram-second system).

This entry is located in the following unit: Automobile or Related Car Terms (page 3)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “heat
geothermal heat pump
A heat pump in which the refrigerant exchanges heat (in a heat exchanger) with a fluid circulating through an earth connection medium (ground or ground water).

The fluid is contained in a variety of loop (pipe) configurations depending on the temperature of the ground and the ground area available.

Loops may be installed horizontally or vertically in the ground or submersed in a body of water.

heat lightning
Cloud-to-cloud lightning, common in the summer, which occurs behind a cloud or below the horizon but lights up the surrounding clouds.

Usually no thunder is heard because of the distance from the observer.

This entry is located in the following unit: Meteorology or Weather Terms + (page 4)