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espouse (verb), espouses; espoused; espousing
1. To indicate support for a cause, a belief, an objective, etc.: The country's president was espousing a less expensive financial budget for the coming year.

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The computer programmer espoused an easy way to utilize the functions of the new web site.
2. To unite in marriage or to become married: George has espoused Marge as his wife.

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This entry is located in the following units:
spond-, spon-, spons-, -spondence, -spondent,
-spondency, -spondencies (page 1) spous- (page 1)
-spondency, -spondencies (page 1) spous- (page 1)
A unit related to:
(Latin: betrothed man, groom; betrothed woman, bride; both come from sponsus, past participle of spondere, "to promise, betroth" from Old French, espous [masculine, male]; espouse [feminine, female])
Word Entries at Get Words:
To give one's loyalty or support for something; to marry someone or to give another person in marriage. (2)
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Word a Day Revisited Index of Cartoons Illustrating the Meanings of Words
(page 35)