Word Unit: Acridophagy (eating grasshoppers, locusts, and related insects)
Word Unit: acro-, acr- (Greek: high, highest, highest point; top, tip end, outermost; extreme; extremity of the body)
Word Unit: actino-, actin-, actini-, -actinal, actis- + (Greek: ray [as of light] or like a ray in form; radiance, radiation; a radiating or tentacled structure)
Word Unit: acto-, act-, akto-, akt- + (Greek > Latin: seashore, beach, strand, promontory)
Word Unit: acuto-, acut-, acuti-, acu-, -cusis; also, agu- (Latin: sharp, to sharpen; point; needle, pin)

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "sour, sharp": acerb-; aceto-; acid-; acies- (not "sour"); oxy-; pung- (not "sour").

Word Unit: -acy, -cy (Latin: suffix; state, quality, condition, or act of; forming nouns)
Word Unit: ad- (From Latin: "to, toward, a direction toward, an addition to, near, at"; and changes to: "ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, aq-, ar-, as-, at-" and ad- is also combined with certain words that begin with the letters c, f, g, l, n, p, q, r, s, and t.)
Word Unit: adamant- (Latin: hard as steel, iron)
Word Unit: Addiction (the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma)
Word Unit: Addicts (primarily about narcotic addicts)
Word Unit: -ade (Latin: suffix; forming nouns and verbs; an action done; the product of or a result of some kind of material or a process of doing something)
Word Unit: adelpho-, adelph-, -adelphia, -adelphous + (Greek: brother)
Word Unit: adeno-, aden-, adeni- (Greek: gland or glands, glandular [from “acorn”])
Word Unit: adipo-, adip-, adipos- (Latin: fat, fatty; lard; of or pertaining to fat; fleshy)

Other related units of fat words: lard; lipo-; obeso-; oleo-; omento-; pimelo-; pio-; sebo-; steato-.

Word Unit: adreno-, adren-, -adrenal- (Latin: a gland or the glands near the kidneys: ad-, "near" plus ren[es], "kidneys")
Word Unit: aego-, aeg-; ego-, eg- + (Greek > Latin: goat)

Related goat-word units: capri-; hirco-; tragico-.

Word Unit: aello- (Greek: stormy wind, whirlwind; from Greek mythology, Aëllo, a harpy; whose name literally means, "Stormswift")

Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "air, wind": aeolo-; aero-; anemo-; atmo-; austro-; flat-, flatu-; phys-; pneo-, -pnea; pneumato-; turb-; vent-; zephyro-.

Word Unit: aeluro-, aelur-, ailuro-, ailouro-, ailur-, eluro- (Greek: cat, cats)

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "cat": cat; feli-, felin-; galeo-; gato-.

Word Unit: aeolo-, aeol- + (Latin: air, wind; rapid, quick)

Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "air, wind": aello-; aero-; anemo-; atmo-; austro-; flat-, flatu-; phys-; pneo-, -pnea; pneumato-; turb-; vent-; zephyro-.

Word Unit: aero-, aer-, aeri- (Greek: air, mist, wind)

Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "air, wind": aello-; aeolo-; anemo-; atmo-; austro-; flat-, flatu-; phys-; pneo-, -pnea; pneumato-; turb-; vent-; zephyro-.