galeo-, galea-, galeat-, galei-, galer-
(Latin: helmet, helmet shaped, to cover with a helmet; cap; used primarily in zoology and botany with phases of sense development that seem to have been: weasel, weasel's skin or hide, leather, and then a helmet made of leather; by extension, it also means "cat, cats" in some words)
1. A headache that hurts your whole head: Sue lay in a darkened room, complaining that she had a galea and that the pain in her head was excruciating.
2. A kind of bandage for the head: The emergency paramedics crafted a galea for the patient's head until she could be transported to the hospital.
3. In anatomy, any of several helmet-shaped structures: The professor's instruction in his anatomy class was for the students to identify at least three galeae from the specimens in the laboratory.
2. A kind of bandage for the head: The emergency paramedics crafted a galea for the patient's head until she could be transported to the hospital.
3. In anatomy, any of several helmet-shaped structures: The professor's instruction in his anatomy class was for the students to identify at least three galeae from the specimens in the laboratory.
The mental perception that an individual has that he or she is a cat: Margaret's mother experienced galeanthropy from time to time because she often adapted feline mannerisms and habits.
galeated (adjective), more galeated, most galeated
1. Regarding something having a helmet-shaped part, such as a crest on a flower: The blossoms in Carol's garden appeared to be gelated.
2. Referring to a person who wears a hard or padded protective hat for protection: Roman soldiers, when going into battle, were the most galeated warriors on the battlefield, wearing leather helmets to protect their heads from their enemies.
2. Referring to a person who wears a hard or padded protective hat for protection: Roman soldiers, when going into battle, were the most galeated warriors on the battlefield, wearing leather helmets to protect their heads from their enemies.
galeiform (adjective) (not comparable)
Concerning the shape of a protective item for the head: The galeiform carving on the statue's head created a hooded appearance on the figure.
An abnormal desire to have many cats around: There are stories that appear frequently in the newspapers of people suffering from galeomania because they are trying to have too many cats for their small living areas.
In order to maintain a well-balanced perspective, people who have a dog to worship them should also have a cat to ignore them.

Someone who is fond of studying various species of sharks that are very small to gigantic in size: Arnold was a galeomorphil who often went to the ocean to observe the various groups of bullhead sharks, carpet sharks, and other long-bodied kinds of predators.
An extreme fondness for, or a love of cats: The farmer's galeophilia was well-known and strangers often dropped cats off in his barnyard, knowing they would be well-cared for.
1. An intense dread of cats, including polecats, skunks, and weasels: Katherine's galeophobia was extreme because she was afraid to even walk in the garden for fear of seeing or hearing a cat there.
2. An abnormally persistent horror of sharks: Those who have galeophobia experience anxiety even though they may be safe on a boat, on a ship, or on a beach.
3. Etymology: derived from the Greek words galeos, "shark with markings resembling those on a weasel" and phobos, "fear".
2. An abnormally persistent horror of sharks: Those who have galeophobia experience anxiety even though they may be safe on a boat, on a ship, or on a beach.
3. Etymology: derived from the Greek words galeos, "shark with markings resembling those on a weasel" and phobos, "fear".
Galeophobia is also used as an alternate term for a "fear of cats", because the Greek word galeos is derived from galee, a Greek element meaning "polecat" and "weasel".
A small mammal, such as a bat, which appears to glide or fly through the air while hunting insects: While touring the rainforest, the guide pointed out several galeopithecuses to the tourists, noting that they were important for the ecology by keeping the insect population under control.
Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "cat": aeluro-, eluro-; cat; feli-, felin-; gato-.
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