Story Translation: My Encounter with Iktho
(another way to improve one's Latin-Greek-English vocabulary)
English vocabulary can be enhanced by translating these Greek and Latin elements to simple English
Do you like word challenges? See if you can translate this story from the Latin-Greek elements shown in bold letters into simple English by making a copy of the story, placing it on your e-mail page and putting the translations for each word in parenthesis after every word which is translated.
You may use a good dictionary with etymological references or, best of all, go to this word search page of Latin and Greek etymologies.
Remember: Many of the words in this story are NOT real English words. The emphasis is to get you to learn the etymological meanings of the Latin and Greek elements and so common endings are used; such as "ful" at the end of the element chrom. There is no such word as "chromful"; however, if you know what chrom means, than you can figure out what the word means "colorful".
The same guidelines apply to the words that end with "-ed", "-ing", etc. If you must look up any of the elements, in most cases you should ignore the suffixes or endings and look for the core parts of the words.
After you look up a word element at this word search page, use your return or back button so you can return to this story.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time.
My Encounter with Iktho
as Narrated by Piscarius
Uni Heliodies [two parts, one word], as Ego was ambulating on the arena by the aqua, Ego spectated a xeno looking piscis jumping into and exo of the hydro. He was very macro and chromful. Post observing this piscis from tele away for some chrone, Ego decided to take a closer spectro at this barbarous fauna. He kept volving and gyrating as if he were trying to choreo.
When this ichthyofauna saw me, he tachly ex-ambulated [reverse the order for the English translation] of the aqua and started a dialogue with me. He told me that his nomenclature [nomen] was Iktho. Ego tried to port on a discussion with him, but Iktho was just too loquacious. He asked me to show him the ortho way to choreo. Ego told him Ego didn't cognito how to teach an [a] ichthyomorph the art of choreoing, especially a tripoded, duocraned mono. Iktho got very angry and versed circum and retrogressed [two words, reverse their order] into the halo aqua where he symbiosed [two words, reverse their order] with other macrofauna [plural] of his biosphere.
Post that, Iktho stayed hypo the hydro during the diem and came exo of the aqua only at nox so no anthropo could catch vista of his ichthyoid appearance doing his version of the tacho step with [a] oligo-brady steps for variety.
It was a xeno vision for andros, gynos, and peds (Gk.) from their cryptic alto-locus on the hill super scoping the scene sub them. Iktho’s scintillating lunar exploits with his pseudopods were the main topics of pan the major discussions in the acropolis.
Well, this is the finis of our micro story, but we wish Iktho only bene and that no mono has any maledictions for our micro friend with the macro cardia. Long viva Iktho, a veritable hydro-terrestrial ichthyofauna; a unique piscis among multi pisces.
Here are four self-scoring quizzes over the Latin-Greek elements used in the “My Encounter with Iktho” story, if you want to see how much you may have learned from this activity.
These are self-scoring so all you have to do is take each quiz and click on the “calculate” button to see your score.

It is possible to see our version of the "Iktho" translation by going to Story Translation of My Encounter with Iktho.
Units of "fish" words: ichthy-, pisci-.
Story Translations: Index.