noso-, nos-, nosero-, noser-, -nosia, -nosis, -noses, -nosus, nosema- +

(Greek: disease, sickness)

The study of hospital administration.
A disease or illness.
noseresthesia, noseraesthesia (s) (noun); noseresthesias; noseraesthesias (pl)
1. A morbid, diseased, or perverted sensibility: As the severe rash spread on Isabel’s arms, Dr. Rawson diagnosed her condition as epidermal noseresthesia which explained why Isabel was unable to tolerate the touch of her clothing.
2. Any disorder of perception: The generalized noseresthesia resulted in Rachel being confined to a medical facility for several months.
The study of what causes diseases.
Hearing loss due to disease, as opposed to the results of aging.
nosochthonography (s) (noun) (no pl)
The study of the geographical origins of diseases and their distribution; geomedicine: Nosochthonography is the science concerned with the influence of climatic and environmental conditions on health and disease.
nosocomephobia (s) (noun), nosocomephobias (pl)
An excessive or strong fear of hospitals: Some people have valid reasons for having nosocompephobias because sick people are sent to medical centers, and those who are weak when sent there become weaker while being there, and are highly susceptible to further infections.

Helena developed nosocomephobia because, when she went into the local infirmary in a healthy condition for her back operation, she contracted an infection, and then she needed special medical treatment to recover from it before the doctor could operate.

nosocomephrenia (s) (noun), nosocomephrenias (pl)
Hospital melancholia, a depression from a prolonged stay in a health care center: Mental nosocomephrenia is observed in some patients who are required to stay in rehabilitation for medical treatment for an abnormally extended period of time.
nosogenesis, nosogeny
Pathogenesis or the origin and development of a disease.
nosogenic, nosopoietic
1. Causing a disease or an abnormality of health.
2. Pathogenic, pathogenetic; or that which produces a disease.
nosogeography (s) (noun) (no pl)
The geography of illnesses: Nosogeography includes the causes of medical disorders, endemic and epidemic diseases, and their distribution throughout the world.
Someone who keeps written accounts or descriptions of diseases.
1. A written account or description of diseases.
2. The assignment of names to each disease entity in a group that has been classified according to a systematic nosolology.
3. A treatise on pathology or the practice of medicine.
Any disease due to or associated with poisoning.
nosologic, nosological
1. A reference to the geography of endemic diseases.
2. The classification of diseases.