pass-, pati-

(Latin: suffering, feeling; enduring)

patient (adjective), patienter, patientest; more patient, most patient
1. Concerning someone who bears pains or trials calmly or without complaint; steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity: Tom wasn't sure if he could be patient enough to stay in bed all the time because he was sick and had to wait until he was completely well again.
2. Referring to a person who calmly tolerates delay, confusion, inefficiency, etc.:, Jackie had to be very patient for her family to arrive from Canada because the plane was late arriving from Toronto.
3. Etymology; Originally, patient, which comes from the Latin pati (to suffer), was applied to anyone who was under a doctor’s care because he was sick or injured, however patient has long since come to mean anyone who is under a doctor's care whether healthy or ill.
patiently (adverb), more patiently, most patiently
1. Referring to how someone waits calmly, or continues doing something despite difficulties: Mrs. Lawson had to wait patiently in the waiting room until the nurse asked her in to see the doctor.
2. Descriptive of how an individual suffers without complaining or becoming annoyed: Susan patiently did her physical thearpy exercises like the therapist told her, although they were very difficult and took so much time and energy.
3. Concerning how a person demonstrates calmness or composure; without discontent or murmuring: People must submit patiently to the unavoidable evils of life.
4. Pertaining to how an individual studies something with calm and constant diligence: The students went through the detailed questions on the applications slowly and patiently first and then they could ask their teachers questions.
5. Characterizing how a person is not agitated, doesn't show uneasiness or discontent, and is without undue haste or eagerness: Tim and Jane waited patiently for more favorable events to be presented.

Mary played patiently with her little sister, who was just two years old.

patripassion (s) (noun) (no pl)
A belief held, as certain early believers, that God the Father suffered with or in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, for the redemption of mankind: Certain early people, or heretics at that time, believed in patripassion, thinking that God endured pain for the salvation of the human race.
satispassion (s) (noun), satispassions (pl)
In religion, the achievement of atonement with an adequate degree of suffering: In the story Mary was reading, the main character gained satispassion after many years of helping and caring for the sick in his country.
self-compatible (adjective) (not comparable)
Used in botany to indicate a plant that can be fertilized by means of its own pollen: Self-compatible plants are mainly found in the families of Solanaceae and Rosaceae.
uncompassionate (adjective), more uncompassionate, most uncompassionate
Descriptive of a person who is not sympathetic; unfeeling: The new girl in class was so uncompassionate and egoistic that she wasn't even affected by a classmate being very sad about a bad result on a test.

Sally's sister was uncompassionate and didn't react at all when her sister fell, hurt herself, and cried when biking home from school.

Quiz If you would like to take a couple of self-scoring quizzes over some of the words in this section, then click on the Pati-Quiz links below.

Quiz Self-scoring Pass-, Pati- Quiz #1.

Quiz Self-scoring Pass-, Pati- Quiz #2.

Related-word units meaning feeling: aesth-; senso-; patho-.