pro-, por-, pur-
(Greek > Latin: a prefix signifying before; forward, forth; for, in favor of; in front of; in place of, on behalf of; according to; as, to place before; to go before or forward, to throw forward)
procrastinative (adjective)
The result of not getting something completed: "Gerold was accused of being a procrastinative worker when he was given certain assignments."
procrastinatively (adverb)
A description of delaying the completion of something until a future time: "Susanne's procrastinatively habitually slowness in providing information for clients resulted in her losing her job."
procrastinativeness (s) (noun)
The postponement of the completion of some action until a future time; if at all: "Jesse was asked to come up with a series of synonyms for the term procrastinativeness and his list of verbal forms includes the following: prolong, put off, suspend, put aside, put on ice, put in cold storage, put on a back burner, hold in abeyance, vacillate, hesitate, dillydally, and neglect."
Someone who puts off doing something until some other time (if at all); a delayer, a postponer, a malingerer, a shirker, and an evader: As a procrastinator, Mike deviates from the task, usually in favor of doing another more enjoyable activity.
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A procrastinator is a person who puts off until tomorrow the things that he or she has already put off until today.
Although the following cartoon refers to a verb, it helps to illustrate the meaning of this noun entry.

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procrastinatory (adjective)
A reference to dawdling, deferring, suspending, protracting, or prolonging an action: "Rosetta's procrastinatory habits made it extremely difficult for her to find a job."
1. Generating; producing; productive; fruitful; assisting in procreation.
2. Someone who, or that which, procreates.
2. Someone who, or that which, procreates.
1. To produce offspring (children) by reproduction.
2. To beget and to conceive (offspring).
3. To produce or to create; to originate.
4. To create or to produce something.
2. To beget and to conceive (offspring).
3. To produce or to create; to originate.
4. To create or to produce something.
Offspring, or children, who have been produced.
1. The conception and bearing of offspring or children.
2. The act of begetting children.
3. The generation and production of offspring.
4. The entire process of bringing a new individual, or individuals, into the world.
2. The act of begetting children.
3. The generation and production of offspring.
4. The entire process of bringing a new individual, or individuals, into the world.
1. Producing new life or offspring.
2. Capable of reproducing; generative.
3. Having the ability to beget or procreate.
2. Capable of reproducing; generative.
3. Having the ability to beget or procreate.
Having the ability to bring a new individual, or individuals, into the world.
Someone who begets or generates children; such as, a father.
Having the function of protectively concealing: applied to the protective mimicry of color and form, observed in insects (especially butterflies and moths and their caterpillars), and some other animals.
procumbent (adjective), more procumbent; most procumbent
1. Lying down with the face to the ground: On sunny afternoons, the dog was often in a procumbent situation under a shady tree.
2. Prone; lying face downward: Josh slipped on the ice and wound up in a procumbent position in a snow bank.
3. A reference to a plant stem that grows along the ground without taking root: The gardener was careful when cutting the grass to avoid trimming the procumbent trailers of the berry plants.
4. Etymology: from Latin procumbent-, present participle of procumbere "to fall forward"; from cumbere, "to lie down".
2. Prone; lying face downward: Josh slipped on the ice and wound up in a procumbent position in a snow bank.
3. A reference to a plant stem that grows along the ground without taking root: The gardener was careful when cutting the grass to avoid trimming the procumbent trailers of the berry plants.
4. Etymology: from Latin procumbent-, present participle of procumbere "to fall forward"; from cumbere, "to lie down".
Having an involuntary tendency to run forward.