numer-, number-

(Latin: distribution; to count, to reckon)

ISBN number (s) (noun), ISBN numbers (pl)
Intenational Standard Book Number number: The use of ISBN followed by the word number is an excessive use of the word.
Latin numerical symbol (s) (noun), Latin numerical symbols (pl)
The origin of Latin counting symbols: There are some people who believe that the Latin numerical symbol V (5) represents the hand with all five fingers spread apart.

It is pleasant to think that I represents the upheld finger of Latin Numerical symbols and that V might symbolize the hand itself with all five fingers; so, one branch of the V would be the extended thumb; the other, the remaining fingers for "six", "seven", "eight", and "nine"; we would then have VI, VII, VIII, and VIIII.

—Compiled from Asimov on Numbers;
by Isaac Asimov; Mercury Press, Inc.;
New York; 1966; page 9.
number (s) (noun), numbers (pl)
1. An arithmetical value, expressed by a word, a symbol, or a figure, representing a particular quantity and used when figuring up and making calculations and for showing the order in a series or for identification: Ted's biology teacher dialed the phone number so she could tell the bookstore the number of textbooks she wanted to order for her students.
2. A collection of individual things which can be added up and referring to things that are physically or which are symbolically separate, not merely separable into units: The symbols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. and the words, one, two, three, four, five, etc. are numbers.

An "amount" emphasizes the whole, while a number focuses on the parts; such as, an "amount" of money; a number of coins.

A "quantity" stresses measurement in bulk (a bunch of apples are in the bag), a number stresses individual items (six apples are on the plate).

When Jacob moved to a smaller apartment, a number of his books had to be given away to the local library.

A number of seats are still available at the theater.

Numbers of people complained when the proposed shutdown of the local grocery store was announced.

3. In grammar, a word form that indicates one person or thing or refers to more than one: The numbers used in grammar are "singular" (one) and "plural" (two or more).
number (verbs), numbers; numbered; numbering
1. To specify an amount or quantity: The investors in the company numbered in the thousands.
2. To include or to classify as a member of a group: The university numbers 2,000 students that are attending classes so far this year.

The population of the town now numbers 10,000.

3. To indicate a position in a series: Each document was numbered in a sequence.
4. To identify people or things in a series: Maude numbers the times that she does each exercise at the fitness studio.

Mrs. Jackson told her students to take out a sheet of paper and to number it from 1 to 15 down the side for the quiz.

Dr. Herbert Kyle was numbered by his students as one of the best professors in the university.

numberer (s) (noun), numberers (pl)
A person, or people, who provide the amounts or rations of things for a topic or a situation: Susanne was one of the numberers who was taking an inventory of the products in the department store.
numerable (adjective), more numerable, most numerable
Relating to something that can be added up: Dina received numerable assets from the inheritance that she received from her father.
numeracy (s) (noun), numeracies (pl)
The ability to think and to express oneself effectively with a knowledge of mathematical skills: Carolina had a superior numeracy that made her capable of understanding mathematical concepts, performing calculations, and interpreting and using statistical information.
numeraire (s) (noun), numeraires (pl)
1. A standard by which values are measured; such as, gold in the monetary system: The numeraire money unit of measure exists within an abstract macroeconomic model in which there is no actual money or currency.

Numeraire is a function of money as a measure of value or a unit of account; such as, a standard for currency exchange rates.

2. Etymology: from French numéraire "currency in circulation within a given political state".

numeral (s) (noun), numerals (pl)
Letters, figures, words, parts of speech, etc.; expressing or indicating a sum or measurement: The Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc., and the Roman numerals I, II, III, IV, V, XI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, etc. are examples of some of the numerals that exist.
numerally (adverb), more numerally, most numerally
A reference to a character that is used to represent a mathematical value: Susan and the other students were studying the numerally different Roman system of quantities; such as, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X.
numerary (adjective), more numerary, most numerary
Of or relating to symbols, digits, signs, or notations; alone or in combination with others: The numerary systems of the world are not always the same; however, they are essential for keeping track of many things.
numerate (verb), numerates; numerated; numerating
1. To list or indicate symbols that label or identify people or things in a sequence: Jake and the police were numerating how many people were taking part in the demonstration against the politician.
2. Being able to think and to express oneself effectively in quantitative terms: Herman numerated how many times he had to apply for a job before he finally got one.

Patricia was numerating how many novels she had read during the last two months.

numeration (s) (noun), numerations (pl)
Calculations or processes of tallying, reckoning, or assigning a quantum to something: Numerations involve a system of reading or naming numbers: especially, those written decimally and usually according to the Arabic numerals.

Numeration can be an action, a process, or a result of ascertaining the number of people, etc., in a specified category.

numerator (s) (noun), numerators (pl)
1. The expression written above the line in a common fraction to indicate the number of parts of the whole: The numerator of the fraction 2/3 is 2.
2. A person or something that expresses quantities: Cory was a numerator who worked as an accountant for his company and kept track of the financial records and prepared reports for the administrators.
numerbility (s) (noun), numerbilities (pl)
Items or objects that can be counted or which can be calculated: The numerbilities of the books in the library were confirmed as the staff made an inventory of all of the books and itemized them.