mazo-, -mazia

(Greek: breast)

Amazon, amazon (s) (noun); Amazons, amazons (pl)
1. A woman or girl soldier; hence, a large, strong masculine-type of female warrior: In full uniform, Mable resembles an Amazon because she is mannish, physically powerful, and seems inclined to be ready to fight anyone who gives her any trouble.
2. Etymology: derived from Greek mythology, a female warrior "without a breast" because of the story that the Amazon women, warriors of Scythia, Greece, were said to cut off (or burn off) one breast to make it easier to use a bow when shooting arrows during a battle.

The Greek fable illustrates the word Amazon that comes from a-, "without" and mazos, "breast".

See this fictional and humorous origin of Amazon on the internet by going to this page.

Usually a tall, strong, and aggressive woman; or originally, a  Greek warrior.
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gynecomazia (s) (noun), gynecomazias (pl)
The abnormal proliferation or enlargement of the glandular component of breast tissues in males: Gynecomazia is strictly a male disease and is any growth of the adipose (fatty) and glandular tissue in a male breast. Not all breast growth in men is considered abnormal, just excess growth.
mastoplasia, mastoplastia (s) (noun); mastoplasias, mastoplastias (pl)
Enlargement of the breasts or the development of breast tissue: A mastoplasia is considered to be an abnormal multiplication or an increase in the number of normal cells of mammary gland tissue.
mazodynia (s) (noun) (no pl)
A pain in the breast; mastodynia; mastalgia: A mazodynia can occur because of breast cancer, a breast infection, or by a breast injury, among other causes.
mazologist (s) (noun), mazologists (pl)
Someone who studies the animal class of Mammalia which refers to warm-blooded creatures that have body hair and feed milk to its young.
mazology (s) (noun), mazologies (pl)
The branch of zoology that studies mammals which is a class of vertebrates with characteristics; such as, fur, blood, four-chambered hearts, and complex nervous systems.
mazomancy (s) (noun), mazomancies (pl)
1. Divination or predicting the future while observing babies when they are nursing: By the way of mazomancy Lucy's mother watched her infant while nursing her to see if she was going to grow up tall, be smart, and beautiful.
2. Etymology: from the Greek mazos, "breast" and manteia, "prophecy".
mazomantist (s) (noun), mazomantists (pl)
Someone who predicts the future while watching a baby nursing milk from his or her mother.
mazopathy (s) (noun), mazopathies (pl)
An outdated term for any disease of the female breast; mastopathy: One main and most tragic type of mazopathy is breast cancer.
mazophile (s) (noun), mazophiles (pl)
Someone who is sexually stimulattaed or excited by female breasts: Sandra read in a book that a person who was a mazophile was overly enticed by a woman's breasts.
mazophilous (adjective), more mazophilous, most mazophilous
Pertaining to or referring to mammary mania or an excessive interest in breasts: Janet didn't wan t anything to do with Sam who evidently was a mazophilous person who always goggled at her breasts.
mazophily (s) (noun), mazophilies (pl)
A clinical term that is expressed when a person is sexually stimulated by female breasts and it is probably one of the most universal forms of sexual desires among normal men and teenage boys.
mazoplasia (s), mazoplasias (pl) (noun)
A degenerative condition (gradual deterioration) of breast tissue.
tetramastia, tetramazia (s) (nouns); tetramastias, tetramazias (pl)
A condition characterized by the presence, normal or abnormal, of four breasts or mammary glands: There are some animals that have tetramastias; however, it is extremely unusual for a human to have them.

Cross references of word families that are related, partially or totally, to: "breast, breasts, chest": mammill-; mammo-; masto-; mastoido-; pectoro-; pleuro-; sterno-; stetho-; thorac-.