(Greek: fat > Latin: lardum bacon)
1. The purified internal fat of the abdomen of the pig: Lard is a white, slightly soft, rendered pork used in cooking.
The lard from the swine was used in preparing Jane's dinner.
Besides lard being used for cooking, it is also used in preparing ointments in pharmacy.
2. Adipose tissue; Lard is sometimes used in an informal way to describe the excess fat on a person's body.
3. Etymology: from Middle English; which came from Old French, "bacon"; from Latin lardum, laridum; related to Greek larinos. "fat".
lard (verb), lards; larded; larding
1. To insert strips of fat or bacon in other meat before cooking: Mary larded the beef before putting it into the oven.
2. To smear or to cover food with lard or fat, usually to prevent it from drying out during storage: At the little shop at the farm, Jack told the customer that the cheese had been larded first in order for it to develop its flavor.
3. To embellish or to make a speech or writing more interesting with a variety of expressions: Mike's speech was larded with quotations from from famous authors.
4. To present or to excessively include a great deal: The pages of the politician's written speech were larded with many corrections and deletions before he finally had what he wanted to present to his audience.
2. To smear or to cover food with lard or fat, usually to prevent it from drying out during storage: At the little shop at the farm, Jack told the customer that the cheese had been larded first in order for it to develop its flavor.
3. To embellish or to make a speech or writing more interesting with a variety of expressions: Mike's speech was larded with quotations from from famous authors.
4. To present or to excessively include a great deal: The pages of the politician's written speech were larded with many corrections and deletions before he finally had what he wanted to present to his audience.
lardaceous (adjective), more lardaceous, most lardaceous
A reference to a substance which is waxy or fatty; lardlike: A lardaceous matter resembles lard or is affected by deposits of this kind.
lardeous (adjective), more lardeous, most lardeous
Concerning the fatty part of the abdomen of a pig that is rendered and prepared for using in cooking: The shop owner presented the lardeous part of the swine to Tom, but Tom wanted lean meat and not fatty meat.
1. A cool place, especially a small room or large cupboard, used for storing a supply of food: Jill's mother asked her to go to the larder and get some eggs that were on the second shelf.
2. Etymology: originally thought to be a place where bacon was stored; from Middle English; from Old French, lardier; from Latin, lardarium, "pig fat".
2. Etymology: originally thought to be a place where bacon was stored; from Middle English; from Old French, lardier; from Latin, lardarium, "pig fat".
One of the pieces of bacon or pork which are inserted in other meat and used in a wide variety of cuisines to flavor savory foods and salads: Lardons may be prepared from different cuts of pork, including pork belly and fatback, or from cured cuts, such as bacon or salt pork.
lardy (adjective), more lardy, most lardy
A reference to being full of or containing fat: Being "paunchy" is one example that describes what a lardy person is.

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