ami-, amic-
(Latin: friend, friendly; loveable; goodwill, cordial; peaceful relations)
The words in this "friend" unit are directly related to the "love" or the amo- unit.
2. Conveying cordiality and congeniality with each other: There was an amiable gathering of guests to celebrate Bob's 10th birthday.

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2. Relating to behavior between people that is pleasant and friendly, often despite a difficult situation: Jim's manner was perfectly amicable even though he lost the election as the new mayor of his town.
3. Pertaining to an agreement or decision that is achieved without disputes or disagreements: Few people have amicable divorces, but eventually, Joyce and Mark separated in a friendly way.

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From Quintus Ennius (239 - 169 B.C.). He served in the Roman army as a centurion during the Second Punic War. Cato brought him to Rome, and he became a Roman citizen in 184. B.C.
He wrote tragedies and comedies adapted from the Greek, satires, epigrams, a didactic poem on nature, a poem on mythology, a poem on Scipio's victory over Hannibal, and the Annals, a history of Rome in eighteen books.
A person appointed by a judge to assist by giving advice in the handling of a legal case.
Motto of German Emperor Albrecht of Habsburg (1438-1439).

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For most people, the principle archenemy of their health is cancer.
2. A person or group; especially, a military force, that fights against another hostile power in combat or battle.
3. A hostile nation or power.
4. Anyone who feels hatred toward, intends injury to, or opposes the interests of someone else; a foe.
5. Etymology: from Old French enemi, from Latin inimicus, from in-, "not" + amicus, "friend".
There is a long history of enmity between certain nations; such as, Israel and Palestine.
The complaints of Jerome about his co-workers earned him the enmity of most of them.

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2. Unfriendly; hostile: Kate's supervisor sometimes spoke to her in an inimical voice when he was upset by something that she didn't do right.
The TV often creates an inimical environment when Lester tries to do his homework in the same room.
The judge's inimical glare at Mildred, during her testimony in court, indicated that he doubted that she was telling the truth.