You searched for: “stile
stile, style, style
stile (STIGHL) (noun)
1. A set of steps used to cross over to the other side of a fence or a wall: "Mary climbed the stile and jumped down into the grass on the other side of the fence."
2. The vertical arms of a structure or frame upon which other pieces are fastened: "The builder created a stile so he could attach cross pieces and fashion a temporary ladder."
style (STIGHL) (noun)
1. A distinctive manner of dress, speech, fashion, etc.: "Janice had a great sense of style and always looked very fashionable."

"Jim's style of speech was very casual and friendly and easy to listen to."

"The editorial style of the newspaper was sharp and incisive."

2. The pin on a sundial that casts a shadow and enables someone to tell the time: "The style on the sundial was perfectly positioned and the dial always told the correct time; except when there was no sunshine to cast a shadow."
style (STIGHL) (verb)
To create or to design a distinctive manner of dress, etc.: "Virginia became a famous designer and would soon style fashions for the glitterati."

When Sarah went for a walk, she dressed in a comfortable country style; however, she didn't realize that she would have to climb over a stile to get back home.