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Word Entries at Get Words: “lives
life (s) (noun), lives (pl)
1. Someone or something that has an active physical presence and behaviours, e.g. consumes nutrition, grows, etc.: The lives of famous people have been recorded in many books and movies.

The earthquake claimed hundreds of lives.

2. The habits and expectations of inhabitants of a particular place: Some people prefer city life while others want country life.
3. The time from birth to death: Life begins when a person is born and ends when he or she dies.

Jarrod knew what he wanted to do early in life.

live (verb), lives; lived; living
1. To continue to have a physical presence: Ruth hopes to live long enough to see her grandchildren grow up.

Ruth is believed to be living on borrowed time because of her illness.

2. To spend one's physical existence in a certain condition or way: People today know almost nothing about how people in the ancient cultures actually lived.

Elliott has to live frugally since the tornado has torn his house to pieces, but fortunately, he was living in a shelter when it happened.

3. To spend one's period of time, or part of it, in a specified way: Luisa was living her last years alone.
4. To continue to exist: The good that people do lives long after they are gone.

After the tornadoes, people are having difficulty living anything like a "normal" life.

5. To pursue a positive and satisfying existence: Buddy and Rhoda believe that they must accept themselves for what they are, so they can live a positive kind of life.
(Herodotus extended his historical coverage beyond the Greek world to the lives, ways, and beliefs of the people with whom the Greeks and the Persians came into contact)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “lives
He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword (Matthew 26:52)
This entry is located in the following unit: Bible Quotations used in modern English (page 3)
Rehabilitating 'unpure' lives

"Successful textile co-op in Vietnam village buoys female trafficking victims."

"More than a decade ago, human traffickers descended on the seemingly forgotten slice of soaring limestone crags and lush valleys to snatch up women and children and sell them over the border in China."

"The first predators arrived in Hop Tien in 2003, offering in seemingly innocent tones to buy some young women new shoes. Then the women disappeared. Soon others vanished, too, all between the ages of 16 and 22, to be sold as wives, forced laborers or sex workers."

"After villagers reported the abductions, the Vietnamese authorities collaborated with Chinese officials to find the women and bring them home."

"But residents' elation lurched to horror at the realization that two of the women wee pregnant. News quickly spread that the others, too, had been made sex workers, and even those who did not bear the signs of the trade paid its price."

International Herald Tribune, August 18, 2011; page 1.