You searched for: “idea
Word Entries at Get Words: “idea
idea (igh DEE uh) (s) (noun), ideas (pl)
1. A thought or the concept of what someone may be thinking about: The idea of success as a monetary gain is changing for many unemployed people.
2. An inkling, suggestion, or hint of something: Marvin needs some idea of what the cost will be for the new vacuum cleaner.
3. A proposal, a plan, or a recommendation: The council approved of the commissioner's idea for improving the roads.
4. Intention, purpose, private view, or thought: It's Haley's idea that a vacation means having a good time with sun, sand, and the ocean.
5. Etymology: from Greek ideein, "to see".
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group I (page 1)
idea, ideas
Greek idein > Latin idea: the result of a mental process; in this unit.