You searched for: “geology
Word Entries at Get Words: “geology
The science of the earth, its origin, composition, structure, and history.

It is divided into such branches as: mineralogy (the minerals of the earth), petrology (rocks), stratigraphy (the deposition of successive beds of sedimentary rocks), paleontology (fossils), and tectonics (the deformation and movement of the earth's crust).

This entry is located in the following unit: Geology or Related Geological Terms + (page 5)
(a glossary, or dictionary, of terms used in geology; the science of the earth including its origin, composition, structure, and history)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “geology
Geography and Geology Terms
  1. Almanac of Geography by National Geographic; Washington, D.C.; 2005.
  2. Introduction to Historical Geology; by Raymond C. Moore; McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.; New York; 1958.
  3. Physical Geology by Anatole Dolgoff; Houghton Mifflin Company; Boston, Massachusetts; 1998.
  4. Volcanoes and Earthquakes by Jon Erickson; Tab Books, Inc.; Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania; 1987.
  5. World Explorers and Discoverers; Edited by Richard E. Bohlander; MacMillan Publishing Company; New York; 1992.
This entry is located in the following unit: Bibliography or Lists of Glossary-Term Sources (page 1)
Geology Terms
Earth studies with lists of Geology Terms.
This entry is located in the following unit: Index of Scientific and Technological Topics (page 1)