You searched for: “fraud
Word Entries at Get Words: “fraud
fraud (s) (noun), frauds (pl)
1. A deception deliberately practiced in order to secure an unfair or an unlawful gain: The city officials were citing inadequate measures to fight money-laundering, vote-buying, fraud, etc.
2. Someone who assumes a false pose; an impostor: The phone call from a man who claimed to be a police officer turned out to be a fraud who wanted to gain access to the elderly couple's apartment in order to rob them of their jewelry and cash.
This entry is located in the following units: Alchemy, an ancient science (page 1) English Words in Action, Group F (page 5)
A unit at Get Words related to: “fraud
(Italian, "chatter, prattle" > French: deceive, deceiver; swindle, swindler; fraud, quack, chiseler)