You searched for: “collateral
collateral (adjective) (not comparable)
This entry is located in the following unit: latero-, later-, lateri-, -lateral, -laterally (page 1)
collateral (s) (noun), collaterals (pl)
1, In financial situations, property or goods used as security for a loan and forfeited if the loan is not repaid by the borrower: The Smith’s house was used as a collateral in case the debt they had with the bank was not paid back.
2. A relative descended from the same ancestor as another person but through a different set of parents, grandparents, and other earlier relatives: The inheritance went to Marilyn, the only survivor of the family who was an old lady. The collaterals were all very distant relatives and not directly akin to each other.
3. Etymology: from medieval Latin collateralis, literally "side by side with", from Latin lateralis, "on the side".
Property that is acceptable as security for a loan or other financial obligation.
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Word Entries containing the term: “collateral
collateral damage (s) (noun), collateral damages (pl)
Casualties and destruction inflicted on civilians during military operations: "Collateral damage consists of blasted homes and civilian deaths and injuries as described by military spokespeople."
This entry is located in the following unit: latero-, later-, lateri-, -lateral, -laterally (page 1)