You searched for: “beach
beach, beech
beach (BEECH) (noun)
The sloping shore of a body of water: Silas and his family planned a picnic on the beach at the local lake.
beech (BEECH) (noun)
A kind of tree that grows in temperate regions with smooth, ash-gray bark and bearing an edible nut: The squirrels in the garden loved to collect the beech nuts that fell to the ground.

A beach is the seaside where people rarely bother to hide their hides.

—Evan Esar

The gray squirrel was perched on the branch of the beech tree that was growing near the beach of the local lake.

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Units related to: “beach
(Greek > Latin: seashore, beach, strand, promontory)
(Greek: beach, seashore; and also a cliff)
Word Entries containing the term: “beach
psammolittoral beach
The sandy area where the lake and the land constantly interact.
This entry is located in the following units: -littoral (page 1) psammo-, psamm-, psamme- (page 2)