You searched for: “ancient
ancient (adjective), more ancient, most ancient
1. Very old because of being on the earth long ago: The professor was doing some research in an ancient geographical area where he found some dinosaur bones.
2. Etymology: via French ancien from Latin anteanus; from ante, "before".
This entry is located in the following units: ante-, ant- (page 1) -ent (page 3)
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Units related to: “ancient
(Greek: original [first in time], beginning, first cause, origin, ancient, primitive, from the beginning; most basic)
(Greek: original, ancient, primitive, old)
(Latin: diviner, soothsayer; a member of the college of priests in Rome, who foretold the future; in ancient Rome, a priest who foretold events by interpreting omens)
(Greek > Latin: an ancient Greek and Roman god of wine and revelry; earlier called Dionysus by the Greeks)
(scribe tools and symbols of one of the most important occupations of ancient Egyptian times)
(April, another ancient Roman month)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; from Gaulish-Latin, Lutetia, a fortified town of a Gaulish tribe of the Parisii, the ancient name of Paris; rare earth)
(Latin: to deliberate together, to consider; a magistrate in ancient Rome who sought information or advice from the Roman Senate)
(Gaia, Earth goddess of the ancient Greeks, she was called Gaea, Terra Mater, "Earth Mother" by the Romans; third planet from the sun)
(Samples of ancient beard and male and female hair styles)
(Greek: from ancient Greek hormáein [hormein], "to set in motion, impel, urge on")
(the way they were in ancient times and are in the present and potentials for the future)
(Greek: derived from an ancient villiage in Greece, northeast of Athens; as a result of an important Greek victory over the Persians in 490 B.C.)
(scribe tools and symbols of one of the most important occupations of ancient Egyptian times)
(a secretly hidden coding that dates back to ancient Greece and is used even in this modern era)
Word Entries containing the term: “ancient
Babylonian and (Jewish), Ancient months
duzu (tammuz)
abu (ab)
ululu (elul)
tashritu (tishri)
arasamnu (marheshvan)
kislimu (kislev)
tebetu (tebeth)
shabatu (shebat)
addaru (adar)
nisanu (nisan)
aiaru (iyyar)
simanu (sivan)
—From Chronology of the Ancient World by E.J. Bickerman;
Cornell University Press; Ithaca, New York; 1968.
This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages (page 1)
Thesaurus: An ancient reptile with an excellent vocabulary.
(how alchemists changed matter into useful applications)
(Egyptians suffered with a variety of physical complaints despite healthier habits among ancient nations)
(leeches are bleeding their way back into the good graces of modern medical treatment as healers just as they did in ancient societies)
(terms appearing in some "scientific" areas from about 2000 B.C. to 1799 A.D.)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “ancient
Alchemy, an ancient science
Terms and article about the science of alchemy.
This entry is located in the following unit: Index of Scientific and Technological Topics (page 1)